Anyone Ever Run - Hazeman " Headband " ?


Active Member
Hello All, After hearing about a strain called " Headband " that I was told was a great " Lung Expander " .. I love that feeling of the lung tickling expansion that makes it very hard to hold a hit in for long :grin: .. Anyway I did some research on this strain Headband and found many conflicting stories about its lineage. Some say OG Kush x Soul Diesel others say its a back-x breed with Loompa's Purple Urkle . To even more complicate things I realized there is a 707 Headband , 818 Headband, Hippy Headband :roll: . To make a long story short... I decided to purchase the " Headband " genetics from Hazeman from TSSC , from what I understand Hazeman also has a " Hippy Headband " as well. The beans I ordered were labeled simply " Headband " and TSSC page has NO information what so ever listed about the strain other than " more info coming soon ". I am wondering if anyone here on the forums have ever grown this exact strain and could possibly share a little info about it. I am wondering about the Lung Expansion of course and well as over-all taste / smell / buzz and really any info I can find from anyone who has ran this before. Also wondering about how bad it smells during growing and what kind of yield to expect. In basic any info I can get will be well appreciated ... Thanks In Advance :bigjoint:
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Copy and pasted description:
This is not a F2 this is a F1. We took loompa’s Purple Erkle x Headband and hit that with a Headband BX male made by loompa. We wanted to use the Purple Erkle x Headband mom we had, because of the short 45 day finish time and outstanding knock down punch she has. She love the side light with little nutrients. She will finish in 45 days. For all you headband lovers this is a must have strain for your collection.

I grew out a single hippy headband a few years back. It was ok, but nothing special. It really had no smell to it, which is strange, considering the genetics. I have a 707 truthband coming down in a few days that looks much better.
Copy and pasted description:
This is not a F2 this is a F1. We took loompa’s Purple Erkle x Headband and hit that with a Headband BX male made by loompa. We wanted to use the Purple Erkle x Headband mom we had, because of the short 45 day finish time and outstanding knock down punch she has. She love the side light with little nutrients. She will finish in 45 days. For all you headband lovers this is a must have strain for your collection.

I grew out a single hippy headband a few years back. It was ok, but nothing special. It really had no smell to it, which is strange, considering the genetics. I have a 707 truthband coming down in a few days that looks much better.
Thanks TheHermit for the quick response I have read that as well. I am hoping that it is close to what I am expecting from it. The 45 day flowering time I definitely like that trait I am only hoping that it will have that expansion factor I am so much looking for in a strain. Years ago I got a hold of some seed that grew huge light buds with plump calyx's that was sticky as hell and smelt and tasted kind of like pine. Once you took a hit and tried to hold it in..your forehead would start sweating and it tickled your lungs to the point you could not resist coughing. It was kind of hard to sneak away and smoke as everyone smoking would be coughing and not be able to help it. The exhale had an after taste of a strong fuel type pine and kind of smelled the same way. If you opened the bag you could smell it across the room. I haven't ran across anything like it since and that was back in the 90's. I was hoping this would be close due to some of the reviews I have read. But even if its not what I expect I still like the 45 day flower time and may consider crossing it with another strain to attempt to get something close to what I have been looking for. Thanks for you info I am kind of hoping now that this and the Hippy Headband are in fact not the same. Much appreciated feedback !!!! 8-)
When I see a company make a claim like "45 day flower time" I pretty much crumble them up and chunk them in the garbage.

I don't particularly give the 45 day thing much credit, but I have run Elephant Stomper before and it was beyond solid. For the price Hazeman offers his beans for, I picked up a pack of this Headband. I also figured it was the cheapest way to work with some of Loompa's genetics. If I find a good pheno that finishes in 8 weeks, I'll be happy with my investment.
I don't particularly give the 45 day thing much credit, but I have run Elephant Stomper before and it was beyond solid. For the price Hazeman offers his beans for, I picked up a pack of this Headband. I also figured it was the cheapest way to work with some of Loompa's genetics. If I find a good pheno that finishes in 8 weeks, I'll be happy with my investment.
Update ..( Got Another PC again ) (: !!!! Like you I was really looking forward on getting my hands on some of Loompa genetics via this " Hazeman Headband " .. I ran 3 of these (reg) beans one was a dud and refused to pop and the other two were both males. I ended up a bit disappointed that I didn't get a mother out of the three but I did pollen out the males for storage ;-) Along side these I also ran a " SamSara - Holy Gail 69 (fem) that I pollinated with the best male of the two Headbands , I just popped a few of these and will see what comes of it , but right after popping these I was lucky enough to be gifted a " Purple Urkle " clone from a friends personal collection and now am looking forward to hitting this clone with some of the Headband pollen, grow out the resulting offspring to hopefully find a lady with a pheno that will lean more toward the Headband characteristics. If I find that special lady , I plan on back crossing her with the Headband pollen again and see if I can't work the Headband out a bit. I know it would be so much easier to just order more beans , but problem 1 is I can no longer find " Hazemans Headband " , sold out or not in stock everywhere I tried and problem 2 is having one hell of a time getting beans through mail to my area , so figure this may be a option and a chance to check out some cool new pheno's along the way :bigjoint: .. Did you ever pop your pack of these if so did you have any better luck than I did ? Would love to know if anyone grew a mother out and if it's really worth the effort I'm about to put in. Also I agree , I don't give much merit to the 45 day finish marketing hype either , lol
I just started 5 hazeman grapes 13 and all 5 popped real quick, I had the seeds for over 2 years and they were probably sitting at midweeksong for a year or so too. So far the seedlings are about a week old and looking good. My first run of hazeman. I also bought his strawberry cough and will probably pick up this headband soon too.
I just started 5 hazeman grapes 13 and all 5 popped real quick, I had the seeds for over 2 years and they were probably sitting at midweeksong for a year or so too. So far the seedlings are about a week old and looking good. My first run of hazeman. I also bought his strawberry cough and will probably pick up this headband soon too.
Sounds like you have a nice run laid out (: .. Let me know if you do a journal or anything on this grow, that's something I would keep an eye on for sure. I always wondered about his Strawberry Cough. Can't go wrong with prices either , very decent priced !
Sounds like you have a nice run laid out (: .. Let me know if you do a journal or anything on this grow, that's something I would keep an eye on for sure. I always wondered about his Strawberry Cough. Can't go wrong with prices either , very decent priced !
Werd. I'm keeping a journal on them for sure. So far they're just a week old but I'll keep up with updates.
There are a few different headband cuts, Loompas, 707, 818, etc.
Heres an old post from loompa in 2014 on another forum about his cut. I'd imagine many people hold his cut by now.

Well I am getting all sorts of inquiries about my Headband cut. So I would like to post it publicly my thoughts so I don't have to keep answering individual requests and inquiries.

I am however seeing tons of different people saying all sorts of things. Like TH seeds is putting out an Underdawg OG. I see other breeders are calling out the same thing. I see seed banks carrying breeder gear that says they are using my HB. I run into everyday mom and pop who say they have it. I see clubs selling clones of it. And the list goes on. I guess TH Seeds is the one that really surprises me. Funny how none of these so called breeders have spoken to me or even tried. So what does that tell me?? It's either straight up fake, or just kind of fake. either way, no one is getting what they think they are getting unless it is coming from me or the farm directly.

My best guess about it all, is that people are either buying flowers in med clubs, finding a seed and calling it Underdawg OG. But we all know the truth right?? If you find a seed in it, its not pure Underdawg. Its a poly cross with something. Ive already stated the Underdawg reversed pollen is virtually sterile, so the hopes of finding seeds in the flowers are slim to none. Unless some other plant was run in the same room and pollinated it. And in that case, its not Underdawg. Its is a poly cross. I can tell you TH Seeds does not have Underdawg, I am surprised, I thought those guys were legit and straight up. I guess not. I see other breeders saying they are "working with the finest breeders in cali" and "working the finest genes available".....all of this is false and if it were me would lead me to seriously doubt anything any of these guys say.

Thats not to say they dont have a portion of the genes. Either through bagseed or buying my seeds and then calling it Underdawg OG. In either case, for's all fraud. But fraud, substitutes, fakes are the american way. Its like buying fake rolex's or fake Tiffany jewelry on E-bay. It boils down to a bunch of hacks jumping on the HB train to cash in. You are seeing a similar thing happen right now in front of your eyes with all the Girl Scout cookies. How many fakes are going around?

It is interesting how no one comes to me directly. Unless I come out and say it, or its posted on the website or posted in public somewhere by ME, then take it worth a grain of salt. If TH Seeds came to me and we worked something out, I would come out publicly and say it. But its not true and it is not true all the way across the board. So the best I could tell all of you is this....what your seeing is either straight up fake, or its parentage is actually bagseed, or its from work Ive done or am doing. In all these cases, the breeders, seedbanks, dealers, clubs.....everyone is misleading you. I even see some breeders calling out Underdawg OG with 20-30 other strains listed they are selling. Now use your common sense guys. Who can breed 20 lines at once??

So all this isnt to say some people don't have some of the genes in some form or another. What is disconcerting is them all misleading you all into what they actually have. Thats the crime here. Feel free to pass what I say onto all interested parties. Feel free to plaster the web with what I say. Everything I do is public. Those of you who have followed me all these years know that I dont hide anything and have always been up front. I disclose everything I know about all the lines I work. How many breeders can do that?? How many breeders actually work their lines??

So unless it comes from my mouth, its internet garbage, trash in, trash out. But I am with alot of you, I've always known that it can be a shady business this internet stuff, I didnt know though how far it has crept into our culture. TH Seeds was the big eye opener for me. But its not just them. I point them out cause it just surprised me the most. With all their talk about having great genes....this is how they get their "great genes" huh? No wonder everything I got from them when I was buying seeds wasn't up to par. No wonder that most seeds everywhere are not up to par.

I hope I have cleared things up about what you are all seeing hapen around the web. It is of course nothing new, but I am getting asked alot about it, and so it's time to be public about it and my opinion. If you have found something good, then great. Afterall it is really all about the medicine and if it works for you then that is fantastic. I would just say, call it what it is. Be truthful. And let me be straight is to my advantage this is happening. The more that fakes and diluted genes are passed around the web, the more the genes are bastardized, when Phillip Morris goes to these guys and gets my supposedly "real" Underdawg cut, all they are going to have is a watered down version. Which just makes what I have even more valuable.And while Phillip Morris and the likes does all my marketing and advertising for me....I ultimately cashin. So why do I want to let the truth out?? Because the truth is more important than money. I may lose value of my cut in the long run by being truthful here. But like I said, have always said, and will always say, Honesty,Integrity are more important than profits. And I will never sell my soul.

Edit: So I cant believe I have to do this, but its time to address this issue again. Im not sure how many of you folks listen to the Adam Dunn show, and listened to the crap he spews. Its so interesting that someone who knows nothing about the real stories and the folks that werethere in the beggining are completely left out of these discussions on his show. Listen to his Origins of OG Kush funny to listen to them regurgitate the same bullshit and misinformation that all of us old timers already know is a hoax.

Well Adam, I was listening to your show this last week where some alaskan guy won a cup in alaska using Gage greens genetics with his headband aka underdog, then the guy gives props to Adam (THC seeds) for breeding underdog OG because that was what gage used in his work.....LMFAO! The Adam states...well of course he won a cup with it, because I (Adam) spent alot of time breeding it. You sir (speaking to Adam) are a hoax and a fraud. Taking credit for something you didnt do and not only that, naming a strain you have as Underdog, like you have the same cut...your a joke. But folks...that is how Europe works. Everyone over there are hack breeders that continue year after year of grabbing genetics from Nor-Cal or anywhere in the states and using them to make your f1 hacks. Cant you guys in europe come up with your own special plants?? Why do you have to steal our genetics and call them yours and give no credit where credit is due. Frauds and Hacks.....someone should make a movie about

Whats I was at a show in spain and met one of the TH seeds crew. We had a good conversation about this whole issue and he went on to say that they know it wasnt my cut and they did that because it was a accident and he acctually apologized to me for being a hack. He then told me you guys (Th seeds) was going to changed the name....well that hasnt happened yet. So now your being called out again. Its funny how on his show Adam talks about hacks and greedy people and every one in it for the money.....well ADAM, your now outed. What a hypocrite, to preach against hacks and bad breeding and talking shit about people just in it for the money, and your doing the same thing you preach about.
You have any pics of it? I have a pack in my fridge.
this is my first indoor grow(explains the fuck up of the scrog net too high)shitty outdoor weather finally pushed me indoors.the cocoon got huge outdoors but i lost it to mildew/'s a nice plant,lots of pistils,one smells real lemony,but i'm growing it next to some goji,stealing the cocoon's shine's not packing weight on like the goji,but i believe it's also behind the goji,finishing wise.
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i've got some hazeman headband seeds, but i have 707 truthband clones at the moment, so the seeds will have to wait for now.

still interested for in the future however.
I ran three seeds got one female. While it's true that it's fast it still took 8 weeks. And it was small and not vigorous at all. The smell and taste was nothing special. And was only decently potent. Still might run the rest of the pack. Peace sdd
so ((urkle x LHB (OG Kush) - reversed? or is the male Yeti OG here?)) x Yeti OG (headband bx male?)

Yeti OG = LHB x ((LHB x (Humboldt Snow x Black Domina)) a HB bx

I have a pack of these so I've been curious. I've noticed hazeman calls stuff a name when the genetics are different. normally it's a bx to the mom a few times