Anyone Excited About The New Movie 'Limitless'?? I Am!


Well-Known Member
this sounds like a bad-ass movie IMO... and I can't wait until it comes out.

I wish there really was such a thing as a pill that could do that.. man that would be bad ASS!

Anyone else seen the previews?? Going to see it??

I am.. and I'm going to be absolutely fucking BAKED!



Well-Known Member
hell yea it does..

good to know they're still making 'watchable' movies these days. there for a long time.. it seemed like the only movies they were making.. were those unbelievably fake 'computer generated' animated movies for the kids.

I can breathe now though.. now that I know that my style of movies haven't disappeared. ;)



Limitless is a sci-fi adventure movie,this movie is based upon the novel of the dark filed, the main point of this is the direct of this movie name Alan Glynn which he gave many of hits movie.