anyone has dayz that doesn't play


Well-Known Member
Is there anyone that doesn't play day z anymore that could maybe give it to me or that would be willing to lend it to me over steam

I want to see how well my new computer runs it

Not asking to trade, buy or sell so i hope its not violating the TOS

Just lend it to me for like 2 - 3 hours on Friday just to see if it plays okay in my new computer laptop

Especially in laggy parts like cherno

Its just a basic 2.5 ghz possessor and a intel hd card im getting it Friday

Im pretty sure I can lend games if im not mistaken so im just wondering if any kind soul would help me out so I don't pay 30 bucks for something that doesn't work well at all with my new computer

I hope im not sounding sketchy
Nope I don't have it, there's no way that would run on this POS. I play a lot of stuff I get off of, you know stuff that came out in the 80's, 90's and early 2000's. I can run that stuff. They're having a huge sale right now, some game bundles are under $2.
just torrent it if you want to know how it runs.
i doubt anyone is willing to give you their steam password.

yeah i torrented arma 2 and it runs okayish but idk about standalone cuz i downloaded a couple torrents and the instructions sucked dick

and i thought you could trade games n shit but its all good ill just wait till the bay of pirates is back and operational
yeah i torrented arma 2 and it runs okayish but idk about standalone cuz i downloaded a couple torrents and the instructions sucked dick

and i thought you could trade games n shit but its all good ill just wait till the bay of pirates is back and operational
ask the mainone?

Ty bra ;)