Anyone have an idea.. nute burn?


Well-Known Member
10gal organic living soil in fiber pot under 95 watt hlg.. i add gaia green and other top dressings... worm castings... about 3 tablespoons every 2 3 weeks... any obvious deficiency or am i going too hard with the top dressings... gave it a dose of cal mag like a week ago just incase



Well-Known Member
shes hungry. needs more food, more light, and less plant. consider floranova bloom to finish her, your life will be much easier. drain to waste

lollipop the hell out of her (leave 1 or 2 nodes only), throw 2 net layers spaced 10" apart, and even out the canopy, shes ready to flip in that little tent.

stop the calmag immediately, it will only hurt you.

best of luck!