anyone have CO2, Nitro, Oxygen formulas.. recipes.. for good wax please!

I have acquired a vessel that is rated for 6000psi. And I understand the concept that heat and pressure turns certain gasses into a supercritical liquid that acts as a solvent for the plant matter I load into the vessel.

however, I am loading it with 50/50 dry ice to plant matter and including everclear.. but the oil I am getting out is quite dark and looks nothing like the nice yellow or amber Co2 wax I have seen before. I have been told that you have to use Co-solvents to achieve these nice colors. but I really do not want to create an oil derived from chemical solvents.

the product I get from this vessel is a nice oil that I can roll up into a taffy form, but the color is very dark. it isnt to sticky to work with, but definately a warm taffy consistency. it is however VERY FINE and alot of people have loved the effect. I just want to know how to use this vessel to make a nice lighter colored wax.. using no butane, or lighter fluid or any of that garbage.

any ideas?
nope nothing you got som pics i can probably help you but im kind rather inclined not to believe. normally a machine that preforms that function cost about 10g+

i was under the impression you not use solvents in a co2 machine.
it isnt a machine.. it is a vessel. the vessel is a stainless steel pressure cylinder rated at 6000psi and built by robins aviation.. there is a series of high pressure fittings.. a pressure gauge.. heater ring..and two out valves on the bottom. this equipment pieced together is definately pricey for sure.. but the eden labs equivilent of what I have made here is about 60k.. Im not a little kid, so please be more inclined to actually believe.

the issue I am having is not how to derive oil from the vessel. the oil that comes out is very nice.. I load the vessel with dry ice and plant matter.. the higher the psi the higher the yield.. but premium product is lower psi..

what I am trying to figure out is how to get a nice color wax without using a nasty co-solvent..
nope nothing you got som pics i can probably help you but im kind rather inclined not to believe. normally a machine that preforms that function cost about 10g+

i was under the impression you not use solvents in a co2 machine.

the co solvents are supposedly used after you pull the oil out of the vessel.. to process the oil.. it comes out in a snow form and "cooks" off. but the oil im left with is dark, not golden.. but it is much higher quality than any golden bho...
hmm this sounds odd, and i understand what your saying now, you are using ever clear whats the proof? you may want to order some 99% alcohol. but im not sure are you sure your not getting any plant materiel in your mix?

hmm that is odd your shit should be golden from what i understand about these machines, your gonna have to look hard to find some one who know about this shit im at a loss i would have to have a machine in front of mr to figure it out im more of a hands on person.
hmm this sounds odd, and i understand what your saying now, you are using ever clear whats the proof? you may want to order some 99% alcohol. but im not sure are you sure your not getting any plant materiel in your mix?

hmm that is odd your shit should be golden from what i understand about these machines, your gonna have to look hard to find some one who know about this shit im at a loss i would have to have a machine in front of mr to figure it out im more of a hands on person.
do you live in CA? lol... I am sure there is no plant matter. there are a series of screens and cotton filters. the oil lab tests at 83%. but I have issues getting rid of it to the clubs because of color...
dude your gonna have to give me a pic or something if you expect me to help honestly your out of my league already if you have one, but i can say this watched several videos on extractions and

a) there are no simple DIY devices that can easily preform the extractions

B) a lot of extractions i saw the contents were held under pressure for a long period of time

C) did not find any vessels that really fit you description other than one DIY one that needed a lot of heat to function.

dont know what your working with i would contact the manufacturer. and like i said on you other thread just say your extracting lavender/oils.
do you live in CA? lol... I am sure there is no plant matter. there are a series of screens and cotton filters. the oil lab tests at 83%. but I have issues getting rid of it to the clubs because of color...

also why would it matter where i live? ive played with more extraction methods than most the peeps in calli.
because if you lived in CA.. Id just have you come check it out... UPDATE: we pulled out some BOMB oil today... now working on quantity
post a video w your machina doing its thing. I have one on youtube if you go to my channel. co2xtractr channel, 6,000 psi video. I dont give recipes, however I do tutorials and they are well worth it if you have a good understanding of whats going on. So its what your looking for a simple formula. saves a lot of money just going to school w me.
dont trip, color isnt everything, but your recipe isnt quite tight. your kinda far from where you want to be, but remember this area is largely unexplored and there arent people just giving the answers. me personally spent close to $5,000 in solvents and thats really small time. Ive got about 300 or so successful extractions and taught a small army of extractors on a hobbyist type scale. One go to create dab-labs. Shhhh. He make me proud.