Anyone here have a picture of a herm with its seeds


New Member
Anyone here have a picture of a hermaphrodite that produced seeds??and if u do u only need one herm plant to produce seeds right?


Well-Known Member
Anyone here have a picture of a hermaphrodite that produced seeds??and if u do u only need one herm plant to produce seeds right?
I cant find my pic but yes you just need one plant. it will pollinate itself and any other chron plant near it


Active Member
just a side question..will a hermie plant produce just hermie seeds or will it produce normal seeds?


Well-Known Member
I tried to take one today,didnt work ,they are on the top of mine ,top of buds and some beneath but there just little clusters on top almost like calyxes


Well-Known Member
Beautiful pictures. I hope you don't mind my downloading them for what my plant should look like in the coming weeks. I've never seen a picture of bud clipped down before - heard about how to do it, but never a picture. thanks.

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
was probably 4 weeks through flowering, and despite how it looks, that second picture, that bud probably had around 100 seeds in it, it was a royal PITA to prepare for smoking unless you want the snap n crackles :lol:


New Member
was probably 4 weeks through flowering, and despite how it looks, that second picture, that bud probably had around 100 seeds in it, it was a royal PITA to prepare for smoking unless you want the snap n crackles :lol:
Dam thanks alot they look great.. Did u turn that plant herm or was it just an accident?

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
it was bagseed. i'd bought a half ounce cheap as fook from a dealer who let me know it was iffy beforehand. so i grew up 6 of the seeds and 5 wree male, the 6th hermied on me soon after. it was the most amazing smelling plant i could imagine, stupidly lemony, os i figure the grower was experiementing. it gave a great high none the less but didn't last very long.

it was my first experience with a hermie but i cuaght on pretty quick, little bit of common sense :) what've you got on the go at the moment? or are you in the planning stage?


New Member
it was bagseed. i'd bought a half ounce cheap as fook from a dealer who let me know it was iffy beforehand. so i grew up 6 of the seeds and 5 wree male, the 6th hermied on me soon after. it was the most amazing smelling plant i could imagine, stupidly lemony, os i figure the grower was experiementing. it gave a great high none the less but didn't last very long.

it was my first experience with a hermie but i cuaght on pretty quick, little bit of common sense :) what've you got on the go at the moment? or are you in the planning stage?
Nope im in the vegetative state :lol: but i only have one plant and if its a girl i want to turn it herm. so i can produce seeds and plant more.

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
haha, trust, it would be better to buy a £5 fem seed off the net, than waste as much bud as i potentially did. i reckon that girl would have put out close to 4 ounces, instead i got about 4 days of average smoke


New Member
haha, trust, it would be better to buy a £5 fem seed off the net, than waste as much bud as i potentially did. i reckon that girl would have put out close to 4 ounces, instead i got about 4 days of average smoke
lol no but i dont really want the bud i want the seeds its going to produce so i can plant more.. cause right now i hav one only


Well-Known Member
If you have a girl, probably best to just clone it before you flower rather than try to hermi, but I'm not sure how to force hermi... mine just turn on accident ... (well it showed signs, but I ignored them and pretended it wasnt going to hermi)

but it did :)

No seeds produced yet, but its definately a he she.


New Member
If you have a girl, probably best to just clone it before you flower rather than try to hermi, but I'm not sure how to force hermi... mine just turn on accident ... (well it showed signs, but I ignored them and pretended it wasnt going to hermi)

but it did :)

No seeds produced yet, but its definately a he she.
lol thanks for the pictures.. im going to clone 2 of them and try to turn one of them herm..

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
if your plant hermies then gives you seeds, there's a very high chance whcn you grow the seeds they will also hermie. unless the initial hermie is due to undue stress etc. either wayy if the plant is known to hermie, i wouldn't want to grow it again. i literally couldn't have gone a day further on that plant due to the hermieingg