Anyone here run a genuine aeroponic system?


New Member
Just curious if there's anyone else with masochist tenancies out there also. I'd be interested in your components and other sundry equipment. I've noticed there are a bunch of newer consumer level products out there that could be made use of for true aero.

Tolerance Break

Well-Known Member
I've seen clones rooted in an aeroponic system, but never full blown flowering plants.

It seems like a more complex DWC with way more work involved.


Well-Known Member
Some sort of pre-built? Do you recall what it was called? I've yet to see a genuine aeroponic pre-built system.
Botanicare Turbogarden use to have both flood and drain and true aeroponic versions. I had 3 f&d versions long ago. Good equipment but spendy. Looks like they still make them.



Well-Known Member
I miss the days where aeroponics was a trend and if I could grow legal I'd be all over it. Aeroponics and hydroponics is why I signed up for this forum 11 years ago. Since then I found that flooding a tray, pipe, or bucket with a nutrient solution works just as well. Former member @skunkd0c showed it so clearly as well. Especially if you can keep the nutrient solution cool (I sold my electricity-hungry chiller and that was the end of it). Fine mists and sprayers don't add anything. It's fun and cool and all but unnecessary. If you're on the moon and have a very limited amount of water it's totally the way to go.


I run a mix of flood and drain and airoponics .
I use four 15 ltr buckets in a 4x4 tent the buckets fill and drain via a Bell Syphon pump runs continuously.
I've taken the best features of airoponics and flood and drain and combined them.

20230502_215111.jpg bell syphon 3d printed