anyone know of a list of compiled states/counties that use choppers to hunt grow ops?


Well-Known Member
that pretty much says it up there
is there a list of states/counties that use thermal imaging or other ways to search for indoor/outdoor grows?
im not sure if my state/county does this. it is the midwest and my local law enforcement does have too much funding for their own good so i just want to know and im overall just curios
thank you and good day


New Member
were you able to find what u were looking for if not let me know and i will try to research it for u


Well-Known Member
ya will i found out my highway patrol has 2 choppers with FLIR (thermal cameras) several cessna planes and other choppers. and they DO search for cannabis along with the national gaurd in several mid west states quite regularly. but mainly for outdoor farms that are very large. i watched a video they had, and the cop had no idea what he was talking about. they were in a field with tons of ditch weed and feral hemp with NO flowers, and said that it was easily worth millions on the street lolololol. goes to prove they have no idea what they are going after. and i saw also a list of how many growers/farms they busted, they never found any indoor sensimilla crops around here, just outdoor hemp and ditchweed.
pretty helpful info they have on the net man thanks.


Well-Known Member
i have some outdoors in the summer time, not too worried about that tho they blend in to other weeds and plants around.
this is my first indoor grow. choppers can be bad for indoor because of the thermal camera, it will pick up on the heat signature from the lights, but if its in a main part of your house where there's other heat signatures it wont be picked up, vs. in a seperate garage or something where there isn't many other heat signatures
im really not too worried about it just taking precautions, don't want to be thinking "what i could have done" if im busted right?


New Member
if u r in usa unless they got a search warrant they cant flir your house as per supreme court ruling
and they pick up on heat excaping from exterior walls they cant see through walls
they just make people think they can to scare u


New Member
google how flir works
or look at police chases from helicoptor with flir when chasing a guy running and he is running under a tree u cant see him or in car chase u can see hot engine or drivers body heat