Anyone know what this might be?

Hey so I walked to my room today and went to take a look at the girls and I saw these bite/holes/rip marks on one of my plants leaves. I thought it might have been bugs but idk now. It's on two leaves and their not fresh bite marks idk. Anyone ever seen this before. The room is pretty secured and I've never have any insect issue in it.



Well-Known Member
Are you wetting the leaves? Under hps? Not a good idea. The water droplets act as a magnifying glass for the light and is causing small burn holes in your leaves.
I dot spray or spritz the leaves but I might have dropped some water on them by accident maybe when I was watering them. I didn't think of that

Guido Sarduchi

Well-Known Member
yeah i used to be that guy that did spray under the HIDs.... burn doesnt look like that though..i shouldnt say that... Mine didnt look like that!! Whats your humidity... if you get up over 50% when you move plants around that are tightly packed youll often find water drops similar to what you see in the photo... if its over 60% youre almost begging for mold so watch that surface moisture as it will become an issue. If you think it may be bugs flip the leaves over idividually under HID... most critters even smaller ones are usually visible


Well-Known Member
What guido said.

Only thing that might have caused that are bugs or...... kind of looks like when those leaves were itty bitty little leaves their tips were physically abused and didnt grow out normal. You might have to get that plant a psychiatrist.


Well-Known Member
yeah i used to be that guy that did spray under the HIDs.... burn doesnt look like that though..i shouldnt say that... Mine didnt look like that!! Whats your humidity... if you get up over 50% when you move plants around that are tightly packed youll often find water drops similar to what you see in the photo... if its over 60% youre almost begging for mold so watch that surface moisture as it will become an issue. If you think it may be bugs flip the leaves over idividually under HID... most critters even smaller ones are usually visible
This is kinda true. It more has to do with VPD. Vapor pressure deficit. The measure of how much moisture the air can hold. If you have more moisture in the air then the air can hold the air will start to perspire in a since, and you will see what looks like splash droplets. Increasing the temperature increases the VPD. So a room at 100 degrees will hold more water in the air at 60% humidity then a room at 65 degrees .

A lot of people assume growing has everything to do with proper temp and humidity. But VPD plays a huge role. I can run 50%+ humidity in my flower room, which helps the buds swell, because I understand VPD. And how to manage my temperature accordingly.


Well-Known Member
Most likely you bumped the plant or otherwise damaged those leaves. Nothing to be worried about.
Thanks for the replies everyone. I've been keeping and eye on them and since I posted the pics it doesn't seem to be getting any worse an there aren't any new areas affected. So I'm just keeping my fingers crossed