Anyone know where to find a cheap / used 250 watt HPS kit?

Anyone know of any sites selling used 250 watt HPS kits that includes the ballast, and hood or anyone wanting to sell one? I am looking to add some supplemental lighting to help with flowering but am low on cash at the moment due to tough times at work. I currently have a 1000 watt 'Eye Hortilux Blue' light which I was told it would work for all stages of growth but after reading more into the light it looks like it lacks yellow / red colors a little bit and though that by adding a 250 HPS that it would get the light levels up to aid in denser / bigger yields. I have thought of checking out the local hardware store for security HPS but not sure if it would work or not? The room is approximately 5x5. Thanks for the help, I will gladly rep for your time!

Sr. Verde

Well-Known Member
Type grow in craigslist and put the price limit at like 1,000 and you'd be surprised with what you'd find.

Lots of people growing vegetables ;)