Anyone looking to grow a proper bit of green.

doby mick

Active Member
Hi Everyone just finished a 9 week flower of Blue Hemps Lebanese hash plant What a nice bit of green and very nice surprize as was only done as an extra, but has blown all the so called good weeds out the water, i would like to know if anyone else has done this one and what they thought? As i will be ordering some more of these, the only thing i dont like is its one of those where you have to put cash in a envelope. A freind of mine done the last order and had no problems.


Where do you order from? I ordered from attitude, used my credit card and shipped to my house with no problems. make sure you select a "gift" as if you do not it states on the site basically they won't help you. The "gift" (i.e. shirt, mug, etc.) is your "receipt" if you will...