Anyone played Evony


Well-Known Member
I started playing this game the other day. Its called Evony it a strategic type game were you build up a town and make resources to supply every thing. Any you can buy stuff in the game with real money but you can do anything you can with out buying anything and you can be reworded coins(what you would be buying) for doing quests and participating in other events. In this game you can take over valleys to get a bonuses and you can train soldiers to attack town and you can build your own there. I have been paying for about a week now and I think its worth a try for any one that likes strategic games. It also has alliances you can join that other members started. I used to play a game called rune scape but the thing i didn't like about it was that if you didn't buy a member ship you couldn't go in certain areas or use certain things you would of of been able to use if you had paid the fee and joined to become a member. Thats what i find so magnetic about this game Evony, its that you do not need to pay any amount of money--- to become a member and experience the full unedited , untempered with, abbreviated , and untaxed version of the game. You can just add cents to your existing free membership and cents are pretty cheep but you can also be awarded cents in quests and stuff. Cents do really do anything you have to do to play and have tons of hours of fun they just might make it a little easier but we all need a little bit of challenge and this is the game to give it to you. I really think you will enjoy this game. It is the best game i played all year. There is also a wheel of fortune you can spin everyday and you can win a mix of stuff that you could find extremely use full in the game. The world in the game is composed of many states and you can only join alliances in you own state. The are hundreds of people joining everyday. Weather your playing at home , work or school it is the game to go with. I have posting anything on games before that this is the game to sit back and relax while playing but sometimes it will have you on the edge of you seat. I think you should join and look me up. Maybe yall can join the alliance I'm in. O ya you can also name you city's anything you want i own Juggalotus and TEXAS.

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