anyone pollen chuckn/breeding autos?


Well-Known Member
i been a pretty devout chucker the last few years, just starting to dabble with autos and of coarse my mind immediately starts thinking about making seeds, anyone with experience maybe chime in and guide me a bit if you wouldn't mind , so i just order mephisto double grape and just so happened popped some lime 1 bx from freeborn to refresh the stock if im lucky and get a lime male, so figured why not throw a double grape in to pollinate too, the f1 population of that im assuming will be maybe 50/50 auto/photo right? if so i would remove any photos of the f1 and allow the auto f1s to open pollinate, now in the f2 generation i will again remove any photos and start selecting pairs and repeat f3,f4,f5 etc and maybe store pollen of each generation to have the ability to backcross later down the line, does this sound like a solid plan, what am i missing? thanks