Anyone tried diggin up a plant to move inside?


Well-Known Member
So I have this purple sativa that's flowering quite nicely outside. But the nights are getting quite cold out and I'm thinkin we might be getting frost in the next few weeks. Not enough time for it to fully mature. So I was thinkin of digging her up and putting her in a big pot and bringin her inside. Anyone ever done this?


Well-Known Member
It's definitely plausible. How large is it? Just make sure to dig as wide as possible as to preserve as many roots as possible. You may end up with bugs coming from the outdoor plant/soil into other plants if you have them.


Well-Known Member
Its only a couple feed wide by a couple feet tall. Pretty sure it's got a small root ball. I figured if I dug a hole 18" round by 16" deep, that should get it all.


Well-Known Member
Unless you have a decent indoor setup already, ie lights, ventilation etc you might be best building some sort of cold frame / poly tunnel to protect the plant and leave it where it is.

If you do dig it up and take it inside I would expect a bit of shock and slowed growth for a while and an explosion in bug life. Definitely don't put an outdoor plant in with an existing indoor grow for that reason alone.
A poly structure might be the best bet at this stage.

Incidentally, I've had plants survive well into October in a wet uk climate. They harvested well. It was more imminent bud rot that necessitated harvest, they were fine in a couple of frosts.


Well-Known Member
Yes I was thinkin of the poly thing but the planes fly right over or house and land at the airport. So it would look a bit obvious. No grow op inside. And I was just gonna place her in the window for as much sunshine as she can get.


Sector 5 Moderator
Yes I've done it before when my plants were about 5' tall and finished them inside.


Well-Known Member
A window no way would never works your going from pure sunlught to no light you would have airy shitty Buds. build a small enclosure use clear roof panels on all sides have
A small heater on a thermostat so it will keep temps above 50s and you should have no problem


Well-Known Member
You would only be tarping it at night, which wouldn't be visible from a plane...

Unless it's in a pot, bringing it in will probably kill the plant. Particularly based on the fact you don't have the proper setup inside. As someone else said; pests may be a serious problem too.



Well-Known Member
How would bringing it inside kill it?
The disruption of the root system late into flowering, combined with such an extreme change in environment can be problematic.

This is from my own experience, YMMV.



Well-Known Member
How would bringing it inside kill it?
Its happy so take away light have its roots (limbs) ripped cut, shove it into a pot put inside with no light and watch it die similar to cutting your limbs off half ass wrapping a tourniquet and put you in a tub to chill


Well-Known Member
So we had an early frost last night. Here's some pics of some of the buds that got frost. Is the stress from the frost easier for the plant than moving it inside? Sure hope they make it.

