Anyone use Nitrozime?


Well-Known Member
I use it every time I repot, 3ml to 1 litre of water and foliar feed, and I also add 1 drop of superthrive to the mix for every 250ml.
All I can say is when I repot my plants take off like crazy.
You read a lot of posts saying repotting stresses your plants and they need time to recover, Ha.
Not me.
The following info might help.

Plants progress through a cycle of growth stages. Using the example of wheat, the plant starts out as a seed, germinates, goes through the seedling stage, through the three, five and seven leaf stages, and finally forming a head and producing new seed.

When a plant is under stress at any given stage of growth, reduced levels of cytokinin growth hormones are produced. If this reduction occurs at certain key stages of growth such as the tillering stage, yields can be affected.

By making available extra hormone to the plant at these stages, you can influence the crops final yield.

Timing of the application is essential. If you apply a hormone to a plant, the result will be stimulated growth of the type, which the plant is currently undergoing. If the plant is forming roots, more root growth can occur. If tillering is underway, more tillers will be formed. If stem growth is in progress, that is what will occur. If flowering is in progress more flowering will occur.

Nitrozyme has been proven to effectively relieve stress, provide a more vigorous and healthy plant, which increases yields and profits.


Well-Known Member
Good stuff spiked
I just flipped to 12/12 and havent used it yet
I do plan on using bushmaster in 3 days-is there any benifit to using it now or should i wait a bit.?Thnks


Well-Known Member
It says to stop using when flowering starts (instructions on the bottle)
What is bushmaster.


Well-Known Member
Bm is a kelp product that stops vertical growth and speeds up flowering by a week or two.hmmm should i water with it once before lights come back on?Didnt see any ifo on bottle incicating that it was only for veg,hmmmm


Well-Known Member
Could be a different brand, my bottle says:-
It is most advisable Nitrozyme applications are Ceased prior to the flowering period.
At this point replacing Nitrozyme with Earth Juice is Highly Recommended.

It also only gives instructions for foliar feeding or hydroponic tank additive.

It's confusing to say the least.


Well-Known Member
hydro shops carry it,shouldnt be hard to find online too,good luck.

i tried soaking my cuttings in the nitrzime and well see what that does.....


Active Member
there is a difference between nitrozyme and nitrosime...I think nitrosime, which you asked about, is a cheaper knock off..but it alleges that it does the same thing as nitrozyme, which amazon doesn't carry for some reason, so I ended up with nitrosime. I am going to soak my seeds in some, says the growth hormones give your seedlings a huge push as far as germination and root mass establishment, who knows, may be just another "sucker potion", but I am goingh to give it a try.
I did foliar feed with it right before flipping to 12/12 and my plants did grow like 4" overnight (I know this because when I checked the temp/humidity at lights out I could still see my meter, at lights on in the am, I could no longer see the meter from the door, so they raised between 3-6" during lights out) Heres a pic of my ladies..and I like replying to dead threads, lol..


Well-Known Member
I've used it during flower. Nitrozime is a plant extract which is quality controlled for particular growth hormones. To name a few - Cytokinins - Auxins - Enzymes - Giberellins - Ethylenes - plus many beneficial micro-nutrients.

Bird Gymnastics

New Member
I use it in flower. I see the best results right after my plants finish stretching and start to form reasonable bud growth. It keeps the plants super green in flower and gives the flowers a boost! I will post pictures here soon.
Nitrozime is a great product. I think it's best used in conjunction with AN's "Organic B" a foliar...weekly...after topping, training, or transplanting. Even though Nitrozime contains 0 Nitrogen, the chemical process it activates or the enzymes it creates (not a scientist) in the plant allows the plant to absorb/use a much larger amount of available N...N it wouldn't have absorbed if left alone...similar to Mycorrhizae's relationship with P. An over abundance/availability of N can and will (depending on severity) hinder bud production. For that reason, I would discontinue it's use 5 days or so prior to switching to 12/12...with a good flush somewhere in between. I realize this thread is 3 years old, but I noticed there were some recent posts so I figured I'd share. Cheers


Well-Known Member
I used to use it and didn't really see any benefits from it. So I stopped using it and switched to Floralicious + and Thrive Alive Green. Either work better IME.


Well-Known Member
Nitrozyme is organic, though I'm not sure it's necessary or particularly helpful. I use it and may stop. I don't like being a victim of bottle marketing.