Anyone use the ozone jr?


Well-Known Member
I have a completely sealed grow room. It has no place for exit exuast, as its solid concrete. Its 6x6. Im wonderin if anyone has used the Ozone jr. Generator? Does it work? Is it worth $80? Let me know as my girls are gettin a little STANK!! Thanks


Well-Known Member
I haven't used it but I have heard good things
Will that be powerful enough to cover the whole room?

Illegal Smile

I use ozone, not the ozone jr but I have heard it works well. I'm curious if the room is well-sealed, what is the odor problem? If it is detectable outside the grow room, it may be that is where the ozone should go. If not, where's the problem?


Well-Known Member
Outside the grow room. Right now I have a 5gallon bucket, with soil moist crystals and I mixed Ona Pro gel in the crystals. Then put a small fan inside blowing outward. It works great for now. But I have NYC diesel, black and white widow, blue mystic and Papaya growin. I know its gonna overpower the Ona soon. Just wondered wut u guys thought. Thanks for the help.


get it because it is going to work for many years and is plenty right for a 6x6. you can about expect to have to turn it off some with a timer. use a cheapie timer as the jr draws very litttle power. ozone can negatively affect yer weed if you get it too concentrated in the same room. ideally you pump into a second room and suck that second room's air into the grow room. but it's not life and death. be sure to Never aim the blower side toward you plants.


Active Member
The product works well, but breaks within a year. It does have a 3 year warranty, but CAP customer service is horrible to say the least. I have been waiting for my replacement unit for over 3 weeks, after being told it would be send out the next day. I have spoke with numerous employees at R&M Supply aka CAP on numerous occasions including the COO and I still do not have my product and it's still not even being shipped. After many phone calls with the company, they admit they have issues with returned items and their process is broken for dealing with defective equipment. I would highly recommend buying from another company!!! They have let me down as a consumer, choose another product or it could happen to you. The employees will not even let you speak with the owner.