Anyone use these to get rid of mites.


Well-Known Member
These are good at controlling mite populations, not eliminating them. They are best used before you have a infestation, not after you have one.


Well-Known Member
easier to get rid of em if you know about them...all females lay eggs that will produce males if unfertilized even so basically get rid of the females you get rid of them all..also they will not reproduce in wet higher temperatures and it takes about 4 days for them to become reproductive...with that info here is how i have gotten rid of a bottle of rubbing alcohol and mix with water 3/1 in favor of the water..put it in a sprayer and spray the plant down making sure to hit under leaves. if its a vegging plant just spray away if its early bud try to be as careful as possible not to hit buds. let it sit a few minutes then spray the plants down with water. do this once every three days. also after you do this each time look for move ment and simply squish everything you can. last thing to do is keep your fan off as much as possible temp allowing because mites use the fan to jump to different plants. from the beginning of seeing mites until they are gone you should also spray the plants with water every day about three times through the day. keeping that wet environment will stop some of the breeding by the mites!


Well-Known Member
i know it sounds a litle iffy to be putting alcohol on your plants i was very worried the first time we tried it too but had no negative effect at all and did what it was supposed to do..have to mention that i dont believe this method kills eggs which is why it needs to be repeated and a multi approach taken to squish eggs and stop reproduction while killing adult mites...i bet the neem helps for reproduction as well as it probably makes a damp oily environment on their scale.


Active Member
Neem oil stops bugs from shedding their shell while they grow. Thus they are never allowed to mature and reproduce. So after a few weeks they should pretty much all be died or close to it. You just got to keep spraying your plants every 3-5 days with it.

I've used hardcore mitecides before as well and honestly neem oil works just as good or better and its organic. I'd only use a mitecide if you're in veg as most of them can take 60 days or even longer to leave the plant. You can use neem oil up until the last two weeks with no negative effects.

The best solution is to stop mites before they go crazy. Keep a clean environment and don't under water your plants. Mites like it dry and will reproduce faster in a warm dry environment.

I personally use neem oil because its turned into micro particles and will mix with water without adding any type of dispersant.