Anyone use this brand of lights (hps)? Reveiws?

sir smokesalot

Well-Known Member
Has anyone used the HTGSupply brand lights? See here

High Tech Garden Supply

I was looking at the 250 and 400w hps/mh systems, but didnt know if their brand was anygood or if i should look at getting a name brand system. anyone use one of their kits before? if so any problems?thanx
I use a 400 MH set up for veg and I just bought a 1000 HPS digital set up from HTG for flowering. Their set ups are well worth the money IMO. They also have great service and ship all items immediatley. Their hoods are a bit flimsy but they do the job, you just need to treat them with kid gloves if you want them to last a long time.

Cool, thanks for the info PM. Thats pretty much what i thought after doing my research. Just wanted to get some feedback from people who have used their products before.

Anyone else have any experience with this brand?