anyone use this product before?

the product is called bigfoot Mycorrhizae. I ran across them on eBay, then on instagram. the company handle is @theamericanrootcompany I decided to check out their site ( and it doesn't have a ton of information on it. the ingredients are what i already use and it seems really affordable and i wouldn't have to store multiple products.

I would like to try it out but i thought id check them out on here. I can't find anything posted about the product but it appears they just came out with it. I like their packaging and logo is cool. The product says that it has mycorrhizae biochar worm castings and kelp. I did read on one of their posts that it contains rock dust micronutrients so I am assuming its something like azomite which i love. any information would be greatly appreciated.

side note: it looks like they are linked to a cannabis farm in oregon called blue truck or something like that. I might inquire with those guys to see what they say.