Anyone Vape Spice?


Well-Known Member
Yeah you probably also heard that huffing the fumes from your fermenting shit and piss from a bottle gets you high also:spew:


Well-Known Member
ahaha when u said spice i thought u were talken about the shit in star wars

i would vape that.

ive vaped all kinds of things

one of them not being the "legal" buds u buy (spice?)

ive vaped spices b4 like food grade :P

some arnt ment to be inhaled

theres a large list of herbs and things u can vape but most of them are made to be put in food

some chefs use the volcano (which is what i use) for food prep

ive done that 2 but i cooked a chicken inside my volcano bag

it was like tofu chicken tasted like weed chicken

was really good to i cant wait to do it again with the bag i have now


Well-Known Member
Lol how did you get the from reading my post Tyringtomastrkush? All I meant by that was that they have said you can get high off of jenkem but I sure as shit wouldn't do that either. Too bad I am not a mod so that I could ban you for that personal atack. Posts like that are not welcome here so don't do it again


Well-Known Member
LOL well if a mod wants to ban me they can go ahead and do so.......however you are not a mod nor do I give a shit what you have to say.....


Active Member
spice is a really good alternative to marijuana for people who have to take drug tests for legal issues, im supurised how many people are coming on here to talk shit for smoking spice(which contains at least 2 synthetic cannabinoids) cmon now people, are you talling me that you wouldnt get stoned from smoking spice if you wernt able to smoke marijuana. before you go bashing the stuff, try it out and i think you will be surpised at the fact that some of the synthetic RC's in spice are 10 times more potent than THC. but anyways i havent Vaped spice of any of the other jwh-018 containing blends, but i will have to try it later after my court ordered AA meeting haha


Lol.. I bet you feel like a bitch now, Tom. A little over a year ago this post was made.. and you smack-talked the spice.. and now it's illegal everywhere except about 40 of the 50 states. People are making it themselves to cut costs and it gets you high as hell. True, I've tried some stuff that was in fact nasty... tasting.. but still did the job. Kinda like buying swag from your dude.. sometimes it's the bomb, sometimes it smells like a rotten old bale of hay. At least this stuff, if you get the 100percent (give or take the quarter percent for the JWH-018 chemical) damiana kind.. tastes mostly like sage smells... I can dig it. Oh, and huffing your own fermented shit does get you high.. if you can get past all the other reasons not to do it.


Lol how did you get the from reading my post Tyringtomastrkush? All I meant by that was that they have said you can get high off of jenkem but I sure as shit wouldn't do that either. Too bad I am not a mod so that I could ban you for that personal atack. Posts like that are not welcome here so don't do it again
Which is probably why you aren't a mod. No one likes a self stoking egomaniac. People like you need to be personally attacked on a weekly if not daily basis until that HUGE chip on your shoulder crumbles. Go smoke some spice.

Sr. Verde

Well-Known Member
I've used JWH 018 in a volcano vaporizer, I mixed it in with buds and vaped 365-394 (F)

FUCKED our shit up. Like SERIOUSLY fucked our shit up. 15mg between 3 people

Sr. Verde

Well-Known Member
Sweet.. I don't know if I want to get THAT high. lol.

Well who knows how much jwh 018 is in 1g of the spice blend your using?

I've smoked 25mg of JWH 018 in a bowl, then went to subway for lunch. It was intense to say the least, things were moving and I was trippin