anyone wanna hear about my first day of collage? and give advice lol


Active Member
Although I'm sure your story is interesting make sure not to spend everyday doing crazy/stupid shit. I'm on the very last few days of my college experience, and believe me, you want to make sure that the exorbitant amount of money you are pissing away at least meant something. Have fun, do crazy shit, don't get arrested, live life, GET AN EDUCATION!


Well-Known Member
Although I'm sure your story is interesting make sure not to spend everyday doing crazy/stupid shit. I'm on the very last few days of my college experience, and believe me, you want to make sure that the exorbitant amount of money you are pissing away at least meant something. Have fun, do crazy shit, don't get arrested, live life, GET AN EDUCATION!
You are in college.

The OP is in collage.

Big difference.


Well-Known Member
I was going to give advice, but having read the first post, I think we know where this is going already XP

College is for WORK. Wait til you get your ass home to trip and find the stoners so you can smoke and WORK during your lunch break.