Well-Known Member
Ok so after failing miserable trying to get germed seeds to sprout using oasis, only watered when close to dry. I had planted a single germed seed in ~4 gallon pot. It was on its 2-3 day out on the surface. It was about 3 inches or so tall, maybe a little less, and looked real healthy.... so anyways had a girlfriend of mine come over, and I opened the closet door to get a little fresh air in their with the seedling. Well an hour or so later, when she left I went up to water them, and it was gone... not in the pot, period.... well noone had come and gone, and the only other living being in the house were my two cats. So I am assuming they devoured it.. anyone elses cats ever eat their plants?? funny thing is I dont see ANY evidence what-so-ever it was my cats, no dirt on their paws.. no dirt on the ground near the pot.. nothing... like it just vanished... kinda sucks.. anyhow my oasis didnt work so ill be getting some rockwool 1.5x1.5 starter cubes to test out on some bag seeds, need to get the hang of this before I start ordering some good seeds.