Anyone who can help look at these pics and help!!!

im growing in a trinity 2.0 and im growing 2 auto flower blue mystic seeds. but i think i may have a defected seed 210.jpg theres this one. the one that maybe defected. but here is a pic of the other one 211.jpg and this one looks normal. what could the coloring in the stem of the normal one be from??? and the yellowing leaves.?? they just were put in to veg last wensday. HELP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Well-Known Member
Looks like you are using a drip system? How often are you watering. Your rockwool looks really wet. My guess is you are drownin em. Run some distilled water through with cal/may or 1/4 strength Replace the oxygen in the medium by flushing making sure you have runoff out the bottom sucking new air into the root zone. What's your PH at?


Active Member
Is that Green and White cube your rockwool? that doesn't look normal at all actually looks like is full of algae. I avoided Rockwool since I am also a new grower and hear a lot of stories with new growers like me over watering and stuck to coco which im told is HARD to over water. Also RW Cubes need to be pre soaked in PHd water before use and i didnt feel like messing around with that. I would flush the cubes with some plain ph'd water and maybe some h202 to kill the algae then sqeeze the cubes to remove excess water and cut back on nutes and watering.

hope they pull through


Active Member
h202 is ur cure after u scrap of that growth of algae mixat 2ml/liter and go from there also u should only be watering a plant that small once a day max this encorage the roots to grow also u should mix balanced NPK mix(i lik more PK at ur stage as this premoets better roots and stronger stems more bud sites we all need for max weight) as oppossed to leaf when to much n is consumed the art is balance less is always better and easy to fix for a guy lik urself and no growth hindered due to shock from nutes overfert PS NEVER SQUEEZE ROCKWOOL AS THIS CRUSHS THE ALITTLE CHAMBERS TRAPPED WITHIN THE MATERIAL just give light snap wrist LIGHTLY u dont want damage ive found measuring the total amount left in ur bin u raised and dropped ur arm quickly down n stop a inch rkwl cube can hold 28grams water ive found after this method so just add up ur cubes do some math and perfect amount every time no snapping da wrist