Anything wrong i should change?


New Member
Hello, this is my 2nd grow ever, but my first in a tent/indoors and i'm a bit stuck on a few things. I was going to use a scrog but i have 2 different strains going on in my pictures, and its just proving too difficult to attempt. However what do i do about these fan leaves, is this even c99? the one on the left is a younger c99, the one at the front right should be.. but when i compare to other grow diarys, the leaves look nothing like it, I very much hope it is the photoperiod because i have topped it now. The one at the back is supposedly a blueberry cheese autoflower. Have i somehow got them mixed up? (Yes i didnt label them >_> .. bad move). Also any pointers would be greatly appreciated.
Front Right PXL_20210614_105705498.jpg

Back PXL_20210614_105714246.jpg

c99 left PXL_20210614_105724342.jpg


Well-Known Member
Give less water and lower strength nutes... I wouldn't water them until the pots feel light and then just water the next couple weeks. Resume with lower EC nutes no more than 800 ppm per feeding