Apparent Nute Burn - NL #5 & Blueberry Seedlings


Active Member
This is a first attempt at a soil grow - first two were DWC and did really well. This one not so much.

400W HPS soil grow NL#5 and Blueberry. Three weeks from seed. These were started in small containers of Premier Promix and they started great. Transplanted into pure Fox Farms Ocean Forest at two weeks and this is what they look like a week later with no nutes other than what's in the soil. It was 3 to 4 days and almost dry between waterings - initially thought it was over-watering.

Attempted to transplant back into Premier Promix and then flush with plain water, but removing from the container revealed that an extensive root system already formed over the entire root ball. It's stuck in the FFOF for good.

So is this nute burn or something else? Any suggestions at this point?

First two are NL#5 - last is Blueberry
