Appreciation Thread

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Well-Known Member
Lots of strife around here lately. Weird, with so many good people. I love everyone on my friends list, or they wouldn't be there, but I wanted to call out a few real quick.

UncleBaldrick, Chewberto, Charface, Neosapien, Singlemalt, srh88, Barnbuster, Mr. Shunshine, Kelly4, MIN, I appreciate you. Just lovin you up.

Of course I love so many others here, and I'm sure your names will all pop up in this thread, but I wanted to start off with these guys.


Well-Known Member
Just double checked my friends list since I didn't see my name.

Thanks buddy! Right back at you! :-)

Dyna Ryda

Well-Known Member
I appreciate everyone here, even those I don't agree with. You guys provide hours of entertainment. Ok, I'm just gonna say it, I love you guys.


Well-Known Member
oh man im soooooo hurt i didnt even no there was a new wanabee toke n talk follow-on that im not on the friends list off lmfao


Well-Known Member
Wtf I didn't even get an honorable mention.

See if i share my midget strippers with you clayton!!!

Negro, don't be hurt because I didn't call you out specifically. You know you're good peeps.

This isn't about me, it's about appreciating others.


mr sunshine

Well-Known Member
This is the best thread in riu history..and stop hating on Clayton its not his fault he didn't mention everyone of your simple asses.. IT'S YOURS!!!!! I want to thank all the little people that made this possible. .without you guys to step on I wouldn't have climbed the ranks this fast. I want to thank all of my riu family yea I see you niggas .....and once again thank you Clayton I appreciate the appreciation .
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