aquaponics(not hydro)


Active Member
Today I have read about a new way of growing that I never heared of. I told one of my grow buddies and he thought i was making shit up. Anywho basically what happens is that u grow ur plants hydroponicly, but u wont really be giving them as many nutriets as you would for just plain hydro. It said u would have to put fish where water is. The waste the fish make is the food for the roots and the waste the plant makes is the food for the fish. U wouldnt be giving the plant any nutriets eather or if u did they would have to be organic so the fish dont die...I dont really know to much about it sense it was like a 2-3 page artical. If anybody has suggestions on how i could use this, it would help...STRONG ADVICE SOME EXPERT GROWS TO AT LEAST TRY IT FOR RESULTS


Well-Known Member
there was a thread with some links in the geenral section a few weeks ago, it is very interesting!


Well-Known Member
bloody oath its interesting im growin tomatos aquaponicly myself from a fish tank using both ebb&flow and aero off the same tank its all about the bacteria turning fish waste to useable nute for plants dunno about maryjane tho cos aint heard nor seen it but the toms love it so y not


Well-Known Member
i went to a high school that one of the teachers had a whole shop (150'x80') designated to this aquaponics. he had massive tanks(3 tanks or more) with bass(a real lot of bass, packed full) in there and that feed his nft plants. i forget what he was growing and what medium he was using but it worked. i do recall that he did feed his fish though, it was actually an automated feeding. i only stopped in the room a handful of times. he also had a uv system inline with the water to kill any bad bacteria. i really didnt pay too much attention because i wasnt growing at the time. i bet the teacher pumps out some sweet ganja from his home.