Aquarium light fixture capacity

I've just started my first grow and it will still be a few days before I get the building materials for my grow box, so I'm temporarily using a cabinet and currently have 2-14 w cfl's in it. I have 5 seedlings and want to put more light into the cab, but the only fixture I have is one that I've taken out of an old aquarium lid. The lid says it's rated for 25 watts, which I thought was fine since my cfl's are only 14 w. To my surprise, the fixture actually has two places for bulbs. My question is; will it be okay to exceed the wattage it's rated for by just the small amount it would be, or will this be unsafe?


New Member
dunno about that many aquarium have uv-c light which keelz da germs dunno about the fixture and yer lights i would say iz unsafe br0