Aquarium pH Down, can I use it?


Hello people, picked up some aquarium ph down yesterday and am not to sure if I can use it or not. Its made by API Aquarium Pharmaceuticals, and it says it contains sulfuric acid.

Also I am growing in compost, some people say not to bother with pH adjusting in compost, is this right?



Well-Known Member
I would like to know the answer to that, myself.(about the PH up/down) I need some PH Up, and it's looong way to the hydro shop, so i was also wondering if it's safe to use the aquarium stuff. I mean, it's safe for fish, so you'd think that plants would be okay too.

I'm not sure about the compost, because i never used it, or ever heard that before. I would think that anything you put your plants in would have to be PH correct, it's only logical. That's just my opinion, so don't listen to me until somebody with the real info, backs me up(or

High Time 420

Well-Known Member
Hello people, picked up some aquarium ph down yesterday and am not to sure if I can use it or not. Its made by API Aquarium Pharmaceuticals, and it says it contains sulfuric acid.

Also I am growing in compost, some people say not to bother with pH adjusting in compost, is this right?

Whats going on burnah!

Did you P.H your japs eye yet? lol.

High Time 420

Well-Known Member
I found this,

Purpose and Benefits:
pH Down is a liquid pH lowering product for freshwater aquariums. pH Down lowers pH by neutralizing carbonate hardness in the water.

Adjusting the pH to the proper level will improve fish health, disease resistance, coloration and breeding. While many common aquarium fish will live in water with a pH range of 6.8 to 7.5, a pH of 7.0 is ideal for a community aquarium containing a variety of freshwater fish. Live bearers like mollies and swordtails prefer a higher pH of 7.2-7.6. Acid-loving fish such as angelfish and neon tetras prefer a lower pH of 6.5-6.8.
Each dose of pH Down neutralizes some of the carbonate hardness and lowers the pH. The pH may rebound up to the original pH if the carbonate hardness is high. Several consecutive treatments with pH Down may be necessary to lower pH, but if there are fish present in the aquarium, the pH should not be changed more than .2 in a 24 hour period. The number of doses required to lower the pH will depend on the carbonate hardness level and the desired pH level. An aquarium with low carbonate hardness may require one treatment with pH Down while an aquarium with a high carbonate level will require several.

Directions for Use:
1. Use Aquarium Pharmaceuticals Freshwater pH test Kit to determine the pH of the aquarium. 2. To lower pH, add two drops of pH Down for every U.S. gallon (3.78 L) of aquarium water. 3. Take another pH reading before making the next addition of pH Down. 4. If fish are present in the aquarium, do not change the pH more than 0.2 in a 24 hour period (for example, from 7.2 to 7.0).

pH Down contains no phosphates and may be used with live plants.

See the above line,^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^


Active Member
My water is really alkaline and I used to adjust it before adding nutes. I'm much happier since I started just buying my water from the machine at the grocery. Always prebalanced enough for soil... If I was doing hydro I'd probably adjust (regularly) anyway...Not an answer to your question, just an alternative.


Well-Known Member
That's what me and buddy use and it don't affect anything on the plant. Just be careful on using with organic nutes and highly chlorinated water. With Org nutes the ph/up can cause some N to break down and some hormones in like super-thrive to clump together. In high chlorinated water ph/down can be over used and whined up makeing the water to low. Solution to nute problem is pH the water first, for the chlorinated water let it set open for a day or two then pH it so that some of the cholrine can evaporate.


Well-Known Member
i use hydroponics ph down,in soil. i got it at the hydro store but the guy at the hydro store told me its okay to use in aquariums,hydroponics,and soil that there basically the same things just made by different brands with different labels. so im guessing the aquarium ph down would b fine.


Well-Known Member
i have just got the same stuff but how do you test the PH because it's clear do i have to buy a tester kit to because it should change the colour of the water and then you look on a chart to see what the Ph is right


Aquarium grade pH adjusters are fine to use with your plants. Watch your TDS in hydro and flush regularly in soil. With composts the pH is typically a little low and you may want to consider dressing the soil with powdered lime over several watering to bring it into range. I like to see about 6.8 pH with composts.


Well-Known Member
i had this PH 4-10 Acidity when i brought a hydro kit but it's a little white bottle but i think it is the tester the stuff in the bottle is like a brown or green liquid with a colour chart and the liquid changes the colour of the water when you add but on the back o the bottle there in arrow pointing down here is a image IMG_0338.jpgIMG_0339.jpg