Aquatic planted fish tank?


Active Member
Is it possible to grow on an aquarium which have fishes and aquatic plants inside it. With adding nutrients for aquatic plants. And with Mh bulbs.
What do you think?

Think the tank like that photo.

I think the metal halide would fry the fishies. Of course, that depends upon the distance from the metal halides, but they would have to be close. I think that water would be too darn hot for them.
No, it wouldn't fry the fishes. Metal halides are better for growing aquatic photsynthetic organisms (corals, anemones, plants, algaes) because they're so much stronger in the blue end of the spectrum (the light that penetrates water best, easiest, deepest, strongest). I would not, however, want to add the fertilizers used for hydroponic growing to an aquarium, I'd be careful of that, as much because I know little about it as much as I do know what excess nutrient levels, especially nitrogenous wastes, can do to fish.
Thanks for comments and links. i guess it is possible and i care your ideas.
Mh is not problem for fishes.
Maybe it is hard way to grow like that :) but it is good to search and learn about it :)
Punch line without a joke: 'And then God said, 'How am I EVER gonna get the smell off the fish?' :lol:

Aquaculture is immensely interesting. It certainly would be a challenge to maintain such a system- you'd need a lot of schoolin' to know how not only to raise the plants but keep the fish healthy... but I for one would love a prawn-powered grow op. :)
that is a nice tank setup.

you need too know the NPK in your aquarium ferts / water / fish-plant waste.

high N for veg and high P for flowering.

also remember that aquarium ferts are slow release and normaly monthly release rate, this cuts down on work needed in tank itself. and maybe totaly diffrent in its chemical makeup.

could you explain a little more in what you want too do exactly.

i have this tank.

it has 2x70 watt MH, 2x25 watt grolux.

All these for planted fish tank :)
i wonder to know, can i grow on it :)

i can test the nitrate and phosphate,
it is easy to change lights position,
i have nutrients for aquatic plants,
lets try :)
right yes.

you will need too line inside of tank with reflective mylar, but i cant see why you could not grow some small lowryders or white dwarfs in there. i wouldnt use aquatic ferts they could be different too what you realy require. i know you need a high N when vegging plants and a high P when flowering.

as for lights im not very sure, so maybe someone else will know if lights are ok

why reflective mylar? for more light or for keeping roots from light?
i must try with aquatic plants nutrient cause of the fishes.
we dont want to kill fishes :)
you cant grow cannabis in your tank with fishes it just dont work lol. ad you would no doubt kill fish with the nuets you would have too use. i thought you meant an empty tank and lighting system. i would never try a grow in a fishtank populated with fish

you could use an empty tank and grow in it.

as for aquatic plants yeah you can grow them and your lights will be enough for basic looks using aquatic ferts, as for cannabis in your fishtank with fish, no way.
if you have a well fed population of fish ferts would be minimally needed if at all that is the purpose of aquaponics let the fish produce waste the plants use:peace:
i thought like that :)
fish and plant balance.
i will try like that. if its wouldnt work i dont lose anything :)
Well, I have been doing something similar...

Check my sig...

In Aquaponics, you are growing a beneficial bacteria... that is who you want to adjust PH and temps for.... everything else just accommodates to it....

Basically, ... the fish shit... the beneficial bacteria processes the fish shit into micro nutrients that can be used by the plants....

Too little bacteria, you poison the fish and plants, too much bacteria and you also kill the fish and plants....

In my tanks, I have germinated several food and cannabis seeds, but due to the high ph required for the bacteria (they die at PH 6.0 or lower) i have been moving everything after they sprout....

I use the "fish water" to replenish my mini dwc set-up after running the water trhough a coffee folter and re-adjusting PH...

There is a great web site about this stuff and the people in AUSTRALIA seem to be the kings of providing dinner from their backyards...

Check it out... Aquaponics HQ - Powered by vBulletin

Well I hope to see you guys out at the water farm...

Cheers ...

i checked yours, and impressed.
by the way your betta is perfect :)
my aquaphonic didn't worked, and i gave it up for now.
my ph is 7.5-8.
so i though my fail can be cause of ph level. whatever.
thanks you guys a lot.
Ya Man...

And you know... you do not have to have the fish and plants together...

You can easily set up a pump system to irrigate a gravel bed (drip sys), and have gravity feed the "cleansed" water back to the fish tank...

Look at some of the set-ps on that web site... I am sorry Tamzi, it can be done, and quite well...

And you get your munchies too, fish and fruits and veggies...

Don't give up... just read a little more... it is not brain surgery... just water quality management on a very small scale...

Oh and Thanks for the comment on the Beta, I am a first time fish owner and so far I have had good luck and a lot of fun....

Cheers everyone....
