Are 2 600's Hlg = 2 1000w hps? (As a hlg600 is a 1000w hps "replacement")


Active Member
Hi all....Can someone please clarify this for us regarding 5x10 rdwc flower gardens in rooms,,not tents.

Question#1...What's the sweet spot for quality LED per sqft for flower? (Wth, for veg too)? I've heard 36-50 watts per square foot,,but as you can see, that's a wide range. I guess ppfd is the determinant for some, but since no meter....we're justing looking for a "Rule of thumb" I guess, and what works well for you fellow basement growers with limited height,,say 6"5' ceilings. Lol

Q#2...Here's where the confusion lies. 2000 actual watts of LED pulled from the wall, has the same price tag (kilowatt) as 2000w of hps,,not including the cooling bill of course, AND 600w (hlg) is a "1000w hps replacement". Shouldn't that same 5x10 space only require 2, 600's vs 2 hps to obtain that same "2000 watts" coverage,,hence the benefit of using LED's? (Rooms, not tents)
Maybe and almost. Lets say it in this way instead: 1200w of well distributed qb could replace 2000w of hps se (not on 1150 setting, nor de, and you need too keep in mind that a room like that would probably neeed some heating with leds).

But running qbs on 150w each means some drop in efficiency. Also probably some active cooling needed. Also 4 qbs together means less spread and higher hanging height, your light levels will not be great in sides and corners.

A better way to do this would be using single board or double boards, run them a bit softer and a few more. Or using the new qb648 for each 5x5. But even with qb648 it would be preferable to get a bit better spread.

If its comercial youll end up making back any extra upfront cost fairly quickly. Good spread will easily give you an extra 10% yield.