Are 4 CFLs enough for 1 plant?


i have a single plant too, stealth grow... i'm only using 2 CFL's, and i've noticed it's MORE than enough for just a single plant. mine's about a foot tall so far, into flowering, everything is extremely healthy, it's growing fast, and all I feed it is molasses. I'm already noticing trichomes on the leaves, blah blah blah.

pretty much you're more than set for a single plant, yours will look even better than mine. don't worry about people using 200-400W HPS or 6-8 CFL's.... those are for bigger grows or people that don't wanna take any risks.


Well-Known Member
the answer is a definite maybe
lot's of factors, strain, plant height, and cfl positioning
for evidence, i'll present this nl#5, 6 weeks into flower, about 2 weeks to go, 3 26w cfl, start to finish


Well-Known Member
itd depend on the size of the cfls.
how many nodes has it got? if less than 8 then id rekon itll stretch and outgrow what 4 cfls could cover.


Well-Known Member
Sounds good for now. If you can keep your plant small-ish, and the bulbs close to the plant, it's possible that you've got enough light to get you through from start to finish. Could easily go either way. The great thing about CFLs is they're pretty freaking cheap, so if you need to add a little (or a lot) more light it isn't going to cost an arm and a leg.


Well-Known Member
from the height you've started flowering at, my guess would be at least 6 26w will be needed, with 8 26w being better