Are foilage sprays necessary?


Hey all, i am about 3 weeks in with my rooted clones in the Veg stage and keep reading things about Foliage sprays. Does it help a lot to spray the leaves? I am growing in PROMIX and using CANNA nutrients.



Well-Known Member
No, I personally never use foliage sprays as I have found they can lead to many other unwanted problems. The only time I would recommend foilar feeding is in the case of a severe deficiency.


Well-Known Member
Yup... ...
Not necessary but is the fastest way to correct a def or lockout while waiting for soil or whatever to get it in the system....I foliar feed much of my plants calmag requirements, boosts humidity for a bit too..
Of course overdoing it could eventually cause mold and with lights on burns


Well-Known Member
I agree with most.

Foliar can cause severe issues. I've only ever used it twice... when I experienced a severe calmag deficiency, and one time when I noticed the start of a mite issue. Both times my plants took a turn for the worse, and had to do almost two weeks of recovery.



Well-Known Member
Apparently the vote is universal...and me too. Foliar feedings are for emergencies or when root uptake is compromised.


I do it all the time. Mostly with actively aerated compost tea, but also humic/fulvic acid and micro-nutrients sometimes. I don't know about these issues people are talking about... besides increase chance of mold (only one I can think of), which usually only becomes an issue during bloom. Best time to foliar feed (esp. during bloom) is just before\shortly after lights on. You should not spray anything too soon before the lights go off, or in most cases during the final weeks of bloom.

a mongo frog

Well-Known Member
I do it all the time. Mostly with actively aerated compost tea, but also humic/fulvic acid and micro-nutrients sometimes. I don't know about these issues people are talking about... besides increase chance of mold (only one I can think of), which usually only becomes an issue during bloom. Best time to foliar feed (esp. during bloom) is just before\shortly after lights on. You should not spray anything too soon before the lights go off, or in most cases during the final weeks of bloom.
Me too, foliar feeding is great.