Are my Plants Ready for Harvest? virgin grower

Hello, I am new here, and ALSO new to growing. I am currently growing 4 plants outside, all organic.... i have here a few pictures of 3 of the plants that look about ready to harvest, but the 4th one is still in Veg Stage because I suppose White Widow takes a lot longer to harvest (I bought this clone last too)

my problem is Im NOT EXACTLY SURE when is the right time. I read that the trichomes have to be mostly amber in color, not just white.... So I was wondering if any of you more wise veggie growers could give me tips on how long you think I need to wait to harvest these 3 plants?

Let me know PLEASE, ANY info/tips would be GREATLY appreciated.... I tried taking as closeup of pics as i could so you all could see the tri's as well as u can.
About The Pics:

The First plant is my newest budding plant. Its Thai Stick x Vietnam Black. supposed to be 100% sativa. Please let me know when u think this might be ready.

The 2nd image is of a shwag seed I planted, but it ended up growing into a VERY nice looking sativa dom plant. This one looks like its close to done if NOT completely done.

The 3rd pic is of a random kush seed, i think master or bubba... i got it from a friend... And this one looks like its the closest to being done.

Could you guys PLEASe do me a HUGE favor and give me your opinions on when i should harvest these 3 plants???

THANKS SO MUCH FOR EVERYTHING! any advice will be greatly appreciated. Private Message me if you like too. Again THANK YOU and hope everyones having a great weekend



Active Member
May I see a picture of the whole plant? Do you know the genetics? It looks to me from the pictures you've supplied that it could use a few more weeks.


Active Member
cant really tell without looking at whole plant but this might help think of the buds become 25% the size then ask yourself is it worth pulling yet? if the answer is yes pull em :P hope this helps