Are my plants ready to harvest?


Hello i just recently bought a loupe of amazon but sadly it only does 30× so i cant really tell how the trichomes really look up close im going on week 12 of total life cycle and i was wondering if someone could tell me are these close to being done or not this is my first grow ever.



New Member
I bought one of those 30x-60x lighted loupes from Amazon and couldn't make out anything through it that helped me. Last week I got one of the $13.00 or so pocket microscopes from Amazon and took a small cutting off a couple of my plants that are nearing harvest and the results were amazing. It's a Carson 60x-120x scope. I could see every detail of what I was looking at. Could see hundreds of trichomes on a tiny section of leaf and then looked at some previously grown and cured bud. Best thing for me to see if trichomes are clear, cloudy or turning amber. Wish I had it before I harvested the plant I have curing right now.
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