are the effects between smoking and vaporizing the same


do you personally think, that aside the benefit of health with vaporizing, that it has a better effect than smoking? or do you think that vaporizers do not give you the same pleasure that smoking does?
please post comment on my blog


Sector 5 Moderator
Welcome yamahaan. Where is your blog? I didn't get to use my vape but a few times because some asshole stole my vape, along with a bunch of other stuff. It is different, hits very hard and lasts long but it's also missing the flavor of the smoke. That's just a personal thing but I'm sure others feel the same. My biggest complaint with the vape was being so toasted that I could never remember to turn it off after 15 minutes.

Dizzle Frost

Well-Known Member
vapes get me pretty high to, the same weed in a joint smoked in the vape makes my eyes more squinty...downside is it kills my lungs..well the volcano does

weed lasts a lil longer to