Are there any actually good pro-marijuana news sites out there?


Well-Known Member
I like to be able to hear/read everything thats going on out there regarding the whole legalization movement, but the problem is that the big sites seem to be rather biased, and that kind of ruins their credibility with me.

The worst offender out there would be Cannabis Culture, theres no denying it, that's a propaganda site, not a news site.


Well-Known Member
I dont think you will find an "unbiased marijuana news" site, those words just dont go together. CC has to balance out the rest of the biased news about cannabis.


i saw a mother son team on cnn last night telling there story about how they run a medical marijuana dispensery.... and how i brought them closer, and how it should be legalized period.... they were also bragiing about how much they make.... TODAY I BET THE FEDS RAIDED EM