Are These Ready?

Tranquil Garden

New Member
My room mate has grown some plants - they are about 4' tall - they are a very green type of weed - they now have little berry like pods all over - it kinda looks like a Xmas tree - I assume these are flower buds - a few are starting to open -are these the buds? - should he pull the plants? or let them open?.... the buds are yellow - and white - but - mostly green...a little brown and red at the top....they have been in for about 18 weeks total​


Well-Known Member
how can u ask if something is ready with no picture dude? your verbal description??...HAHAHAHA
the little hairs that pop out the pods and buds that are white and orange red well his plants will not be reaady until around 75% of those little hairs have changed from white/yellow to orange/red

but without a picture no one can help you at first it sounding like you had a male plant to me


Well-Known Member
r u sure these r not male plants? please check google images for male marijuana or cannabis plants because the way u r describing it, the little pods r male balls.


Well-Known Member
Are males good to smoke?
no because they produce no "buds" & their leaves contain only a very small amount of THC, & their leaves would be the only thing u could smoke, & it would be very harsh, not to mention pretty much worthless. so if u have males, u simply need to dump them.