Are we there yet?

C. Nesbitt

Well-Known Member
OP, flushing is a hot-button topic on here. Most of the experienced growers don’t flush and consider it to be a bro-science practice.

New members often come on here asking about flushing without trying out the search function first and get snarky responses.

It’s a federal holiday today so I’m half baked and am gonna tell a little story about flushing. It is totally anecdotal and does not prove anything one way or the other, but reinforces my opinion that flushing is not needed.

Once upon a time in around 1995 or 1996, I was growing weed indoors in the midwest US. Small scale but I had progressed to growing shit that was on par with anything I could buy from a dealer. I did not flush.

I took a bunch of my indoor weed on a visit to a buddy at UC Santa Barbara and gifted most of it to him and couple of his roommates. We all went to a big house party. At the party I was sharing a joint of my weed with a small group and I copped to the fact that I had grown it.

I normally kept the fact that I was growing completely on the down low, but I was like 2,500 miles from my grow so I was being less circumspect than usual. I was actually hoping to get laid too, but was unsuccessful. The girl I was hitting on was not an experienced pot smoker and a couple of hits absolutely destroyed her - she ended up puking in the bathroom. Party foul as we called it then.

Anyway, I got to talking about weed and growing with some rich kid weed snob whose parents lived in the San Jose area. Kid was a couple of years younger than me. He did not grow and didn't know anyone who grew, but loved to smoke pot, read High Times cover to cover, and styled himself as a ganja expert.

Once he got going, he started talking about grow methods like an RIU new account eager to show everyone his expertise in all things related to growing bud. He kept quoting articles he'd read in High Times and started going on and on about how it was necessary to flush weed grown hydroponically. He said something like "I could taste the fertilizer in that joint because you didn't flush it". I was actually a little insulted, especially since he was super baked on shit I'd shared and I knew it was quality herb.

After a few more beers, my buddy pulled out his bag and rolled a spliff, then passed it around to the group. The weed snob wandered back over, took a big hit then got all professorial and proclaimed something like:

"This weed is what I was talking about, this is smooth and has been flushed, the flushing took all the excess fertilizer and harshness right out of it. You should really try flushing for the last 2 weeks before you harvest."

My buddy, his roommates and I started laughing we and couldn't stop - it was the EXACT same weed the little turd had insulted an hour earlier, only difference was that it came from a different person's pocket.

Point - flushing is unnecessary, it just starves the plant.

Peace and enjoy your new hobby.
Well thanks for your Half Baked Story lol. What a good one.. I had asked earlier about flushing and I guess I’m just a little nervous as this is my first grow. I thought it was way just way too soon then. I must confess I live in the California Bay Area. The only issue I have is when flower is dried out. I just bought an ounce of blue dream and put a Bóveda shield in with it. But a 3.5 gram bag of Ghost Berry I got recently CAME dried out. . And it was from a dispensary.
They have a lot of over priced “Celebrity” and “Top Shelf” brands out here. The dried out weed wasn’t one of those. But I find when I buy a full ounce (sold in 1 ounce package) its usually pretty good.

You won’t hear Flushing again from me. thanks everyone.