Are you a solo toker?'ve


Well-Known Member
I've noticed recently that I smoke almost exclusively by myself nowadays. It didn't used to be this way, but it just seems like the more people get involved, the more stressful and less fun the smoke is. When I smoke by myself, I get to smoke at my pace, take whatever size hits I want, and I get some "me" time. It sometimes worries me because some people say "when you smoke by yourself you're addicted," but it's just easier sometimes, ya know?


Well-Known Member
I have to agree with ya m8.

Its worth evry single second smoking alone ! :D


Well-Known Member
i only enjoy smoking either by myself or just me and my girlfriend. i totally agree with you. when you smoke with a bunch of people you always get a few bogarts and sometimes you just wanna sit back and be quiet but if theres alot of people theyre always talking to you and shit... lol


Well-Known Member
I hate social smokers and pretty much everything about them so I usually smoke alone. If I smoke with other people, it's usually only 1-3 people


Well-Known Member
"when you smoke by yourself you're addicted,"

I've noticed most of the people who say this either sell it or don't have any.


Well-Known Member
i like smoking alone too. but i do like hooking up with friends and blasting a bowl.


Well-Known Member
it seems like there are 2 aspects of weed in this sense. when I'm smoking socially (10% of the time) my mind is entirely into talking to people and being social. when I'm alone my mind focuses on more recreational things , seems like weed has that sort of self-enlightenment aspect to it when you're not smoking socially.


Well-Known Member
it seems like there are 2 aspects of weed in this sense. when I'm smoking socially (10% of the time) my mind is entirely into talking to people and being social. when I'm alone my mind focuses on more recreational things , seems like weed has that sort of self-enlightenment aspect to it when you're not smoking socially.

perfect that sums it up for me aswell... :)

Boogaloo Bud

Well-Known Member
I either smoke alone of with my best friend. He doesn`t smoke unless I share with him but I have no problem with that because he has never asked me to smoke weed with him in his life. I just smoke him up when he`s over. I love seeing an inexpierienced smoker get blitzed from weed that`s out of their class lol.


Well-Known Member
I dont find marijuana a social drug at all but maybe thats because I'm a huge fan of amphetamines. Which are quite social by the way. So I tend to smoke be it indica or sativa whatever on my own on front of the playstation listening to my favorite CD and having a beer. Nothing beats it.

Pale Buddha

Active Member
Mrs Buddha and I mostly smoke together but she and I often smoke alone. She prefers spliffs and I prefer straight weed in my pipe. When we do smoke socially, it's usually with my family so there's no stress. A family full of potheads has very little drama.



Well-Known Member
I personally dont like smoking weed by myself, I think weed is more of a social thing like drinking, alot of times its funner to do it with friends. :bigjoint:


Well-Known Member
I personally dont like smoking weed by myself, I think weed is more of a social thing like drinking, alot of times its funner to do it with friends. :bigjoint:
hah all I can say is you're missing out my friend.

try going on a hike by yourself and smoking a nice sativa joint. then you will understand what many of us have come to enjoy about this sacred plant.


Well-Known Member
If I want to laugh and have fun, I'll smoke with a few of my friends.

But if I want to relax and really appreciate some music and just chill, I'll smoke alone.

old pothead

Well-Known Member
My wife and i like to keep our secret just that.We have some freinds we have known for most of our lifes and trust them 100%.We smoke with them and no one else.We know of people who have been busted from social smoking,someone snitching on them to save their butt.OPH


New Member
i usually smoke with brother a few times a day sometimes i smoke by myself cuz my bro works nights so i have no one to session with b4 going to bed then i have like 5 close homies that i blaze it with on a regular basis as well but we always use the bong and pack snappers for ourselves or fore eachother if we are matchin of the the homie has no nug lol


Well-Known Member
If I want to laugh and have fun, I'll smoke with a few of my friends.

But if I want to relax and really appreciate some music and just chill, I'll smoke alone.
exactly the same with me
whenever i do smoke alone though, its at night when i just want to relax