Are you too baked to enjoy this? :P


My toking friends,
I have come across a marvel, and I want to hear what you guys think (link at the bottom). I generally don't spring for things that label me a stoner, but this resonated with me so I threw down. (I picked up 2 actually. One for me, and one for my friend's birthday) They're in an edition of 100, and as I just nabbed 2, you might want to move if you're going to get your hands on one. This is one of the sweetest Cannabis comradery posters I have seen in recent memory.

If you remeber the Michael Phelps incident a month or two back, you'll enjoy this. It is the modified picture of Phelps ripping that ROOR bong (Google image search "phelps bong" if you're unfamiliar). They've managed to make it iconic, rather than like a "Smoking Gun" paparazzi photo. The details they've added, like the Olympic logo on the hat are sweet.

My favorite feature is definitely the poster's slogan: "Play Like a Champion Today." Not only does it empower Phelps' actions, but it also contains a deeper level of wit. This is a slogan used by the Notre Dame football team, which they print it up on little towels that fans can buy (again, Google search this). This poster is clearly a play off these towels.

However, the real irony lies in the fact that Mr. Phelps is a student at the University of Michigan, the arch-rival of Notre Dame. I'm not entirely sure how to interpret this, but it certainly seems like it could be a slap to fans of either school, depending how you look at it. I am a fan of neither school, so I just enjoy it's potential for controversy. :hump:

Lastly, because they're limited edition, they shouldn't be ruined by every idiot buying one (Except for idiots like me ;) ). This is music to my ears, because I hate it when you buy a shirt or something that eventually gets killed by a mass culture adoption of it. They're also hand printed and numbered, which should mean that it's an actual piece of art, rather than just crappy poster quality.

Alright, enough bullshit. You can check it out at
I feel like this poster really nails what's been going on lately, starting with Michael Phelps, and continued with the heightened push for legalization. I'm looking forward for when this thing shows up in the mail.

"This is handmade quality shit we're talking here!"

The link:

Happy blazing!