Are your plants flowering yet Ohio?


Well-Known Member
Steadily awaiting my flowering to begin! I fed some 10-54-10 to my ladies this morning. How are yours looking ohio? I hope Nirvana didnt send me some bunk seeds. It seems plants in the past I grew were already budding by now. I have some White Rhino and 1 NL female.


Active Member
I have a NL and Swiss Cheese from Nirvana in NW ohio. In preflower, def getting close to full flower. I forget, when is it for sure gone into flower? When the pistils show on top good?


Well-Known Member
My Frisian Dew in PA started last month. They already have nice colas forming. All my other strains are starting to show sex though


Active Member
Does flowering occur when all the pistils starting to come out on the stems (calyx?) I have lots of white pistils, just not a noticeable amount on top. They are "in with the leaves", heavily. Is this preflower? Or is it flower? I have forgotten this info since last year, my first year.


Well-Known Member
Im on the east coast in Virginia and my 2 girls hasnt flowered yet...I think i still got a lil veg time..



Active Member
Im in New England and dont think I see any flowering going on yet. Then again I'm a first timer so I'm not 100% sure if I see preflowers yet or not.


Active Member
I'm in the slow 1st, maybe 2nd week of flowering. Lots of pistils, won't see actual buds til 5th or 6th week. Depending upon on the strain maybe late 4th week. I don't think they got too noticeable until week 6 last year with my white widow. Which is awesome, but at times its a bit too harsh.


Well-Known Member
NW Ohio here and nothing as of today :( Hopefully soon or i dont think i will have time for a ripe harvest.


Well-Known Member
This guy i know is growing in delaware and he has all bag seed and i talked to him yesterday and just starting to pre flower guys its coming if i ever move ill be growin goodluck to all