Arizer solo 2


Well-Known Member
Anybody have an arizer vape? I really like it but it seems that even if i have temp at 170c i still see some smoke appear when i take out tube and remove post vape... I think it comes from where the metal gauze heats up
Anybody have an arizer vape? I really like it but it seems that even if i have temp at 170c i still see some smoke appear when i take out tube and remove post vape... I think it comes from where the metal gauze heats up
Yup, I have one. Tried it one time, cleaned it really well, and put back in the box.
I went back to rolling. Pipes are just too darn messy and stinky for me.

My thing is trying to figure out how to get sublingual tinctures to work, to no avail so far.
We can talk about arizers tho, if you want, i'm here, but don't have a lot of experience is all.
We have one. I don't have the manual so I don't know what setting 170c is. We have to run ours at setting 6 or even 7 to be able to get a decent hit. Also its really hard to pull through. We have to be very careful to not pack it too tight. I don't know what you mean about seeing smoke when you take out the tube. Are you seeing it from the glass tube? Or down inside the vape unit?
I love my Solo 2, I always just use the maximum temperature (220 celsius). Maybe some tiny bits have gotten inside the device and are in touch with the heater? You could get a water pipe adapter and use it with a water piece, that way the vaporizer would be upside down and nothing could fall into through the holes.
I have one, not sure what you mean by smoke being around "post vape", but there's a light smokey something on the exhale when burning up to around 188-194, depending on size of straw used, and how tightly the straw is packed. Higher than that, and any "smoke" seems to go away. Nothing wrong with smoking at a lower temp though... actually, you can get pretty high at that threshold between roasting and liquification.

Edit, just saw this is an old post... hope whoever the hell this was figured out a solution to their problem.
The Solos never worked well at all with the stock glass. I had a stockpile of PVHES that has dwindled to nothing. I'll probably blow my brains out when the last one breaks. I'm absolutely positive there's no decent vape on the market. I get high as fuck off a PVHES through a bong. Stock glass can't even get a draw. The whole "use abv to make edibles thing is hilarious. If your abv has any use other than compost, your vaporizer fucking sucks.

Just like everything else on earth, people simply can't tell mediocre from perfect anymore. It's nuts. Everyone's a fucking retard. Vape engineers are no exception. I've written solo and told them everything they needed to do to make their equipment work. They still claim a stainless steel screen can be tasted. They are literal nutcases at Arizer. The shit is just repurposed dental industry equipment I don't think any of them idiots actually use cannabis.
The Solos never worked well at all with the stock glass. I had a stockpile of PVHES that has dwindled to nothing. I'll probably blow my brains out when the last one breaks. I'm absolutely positive there's no decent vape on the market. I get high as fuck off a PVHES through a bong. Stock glass can't even get a draw. The whole "use abv to make edibles thing is hilarious. If your abv has any use other than compost, your vaporizer fucking sucks.

Just like everything else on earth, people simply can't tell mediocre from perfect anymore. It's nuts. Everyone's a fucking retard. Vape engineers are no exception. I've written solo and told them everything they needed to do to make their equipment work. They still claim a stainless steel screen can be tasted. They are literal nutcases at Arizer. The shit is just repurposed dental industry equipment I don't think any of them idiots actually use cannabis.

Wow. LOL