Arizona grow help?

Okay, so I am planning my next grow and I've read the people are starting their grows towards the end of April to the beginning of may. But my concern is that Arizona gets up to 115°F in the summer and I'm not sure if any plants can take that kind of heat and survive. There is no way for me to grow indoors, so that is not an option. Are their any tips that I can use to make my plants survive through the summer or do I just plant late? Or are there any Specific strains that can take that kind of heat and still produce nice buds?


Well-Known Member
Sativa dominant, used to see mexican bagseed growing by the ditches out on the west side. Narrow leaves, less surface to heat up, less respiration when it's hot. Start whenever you want, just remember they can get 16' tall if you let them.
So a sativa dominant plant. I was maybe thinking a afghan or a durban strain or white widow. Ive read that those can withstand high temps. Would you agree? And yeah don't want that big of a bud plant. That has getting caught writen all over it!