Arizona season?


Well-Known Member
Arizona has very weird seasons its more like winter and summer and a short time in the middle. i was just wondering if anyone has experience growing outside here and when the best time to plant outside would be. today the temp outside was around 107. what do you pros think?


Well-Known Member
Well the season is going to have to follow the light patterns. You want to make sure the plant starts out just before the summer solstice so that it has plenty of time in veg growth, and then the days will taper off in length and hte plant will take care of themselves with regards to flowering.


Well-Known Member
thanks for the input i think im gonna flower indoors so i can start right after the last frost not gonna be for a while tho


Well-Known Member
I planted mine apox 8 wks ago from seed..(the time i droped the seed in the ground) and this is the results. I have been told anywhere from april-june to plant and should be able to harvest anywhere from sept-nov. This is my first in Az and it does look like it is going slow but atleast its healthy.
Sry i dont know if this helps.
todays pic's

last week


Well-Known Member
Yes i live on the sun and where im at it says 110 in the shade on my patio today, which is the coolest day this week.


Well-Known Member
haha well my patio was only 107 today. i had some plants going in march and they were growing like crazy but one of those big wind storms knocked over a trellis and killed my only female =[ i have only gotten males since


Well-Known Member
Man i was worried about the wind,(its very windy all day here, every day) but it has held up very nice.
No monsoons yet, but we should start to get some soon.


Well-Known Member
Finally some AZ growers..... hey Im thinking about vegging indoor during winter then putting them out to flower and grow hella big, what do you guys think? And for the season now, I have a few females out that are around the same size as in the pictures. They grow so fucking slow but they look good. I hope the crop does well here its my first time.


Well-Known Member
it seems like in az you cant do it all outside wayy to hot but if you start now and put them outside when its gets to 12/12 or pretty close they will grow pretty good heat permitting that is


fuck growing outsid here... i'm down in tucson, but yeah, doing a guerilla grow, if i didn't go back and water every two days at least... dead fucking plants... and these were ones i started inside for a few weeks to make sure they were a bit hardy!!!!

but yeah... good luck to all you outdoor growers here, these temps are fucking rediculous

there was one grower last year that grew a monster... i'll try and find them for you on here...


Well-Known Member
thats crazy shit. im gonna try getting them to 18 inches inside them put them out and see what happens. they seem to grow really good in march and april when the temp doesnt get over 85 but i havent been able to keep them growing. it also seems that dogs have a taste for weed to, one day i went to check some seedling i have on the side of my house and my dog was eating them haha good thing i just use bag seed


Well-Known Member
oh fuck i didnt know dogs liked plants.... I know I have to water my plants once a day to keep them alive.... And they have to be at least 4 inches or so before they can go out and fight the elements. Im a little worried about them monsoons here in a bit, they been giving you guys a problem with rotting the buds or anything?


Well-Known Member
im gonna try starting them inside and see what happens. and for the monsoons im just gonna put them in my shed untill they pass


Well-Known Member
so you boys got this shit all figured out, huh? I'll tell you what happens in the next while with the girls Im doing an all outdoor grow except my big bud mom.... she's getting the posh treatment.