Arizona: Senate Decides Thursday Whether To Tax Medical Marijuana


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Arizona: Senate Decides Thursday Whether To Tax Medical Marijuana

​Arizona lawmakers are seeing green, and it's not just sticky buds they're ogling. State voters may get the chance to legalize medical marijuana in November -- and the Legislature is already deciding whether to tax it.

The Marijuana Policy Project (MPP) is gathering signatures for a ballot initiative that would allow using cannabis with a doctor's recommendation, reports the Arizona Daily Sun.

If the act makes the ballot and passes, Sen. Jorge Garcia (D-Tucson) wants to tax the marijuana sold to patients.

The state Senate is scheduled to vote on the measure Thursday.

According to an analysis by the nonpartisan legislative budget staff, taxing medical marijuana could generate about $1.3 million for Arizona's General Fund in fiscal 2012 at the current rate of 5.6 percent sales tax.

Backers of the Arizona initiative said they already have the 153,365 valid signatures necessary to qualify for November's ballot, and will file the petitions next month.