arrg i need help...

High all,
Im not sure how this site works or the forums,im just learning everything now. I need some questions answerd and dont know where im supposed to post them for answers.
I am going for my script next week and will defenately get it from all the ppl i talked to, anyway i wanted to know, when the give this permit or whatever they give you a script for starter plants and stuff, is that true? and if so, how should I tgake care of them till the are ready to go in the ground(i dont even know when that is, i assume in the spring sometime)I could really use some guidence in alot of this stuff im suffering from restless leg sydrom and some chronic depressin. amungst an aray of other ailments so im gonna grow my own instead of paying someone else for nasty shit. So im hopeing someone will help me a lil bit in these first few weeks. I will pay anyone back with my knowledge on other things maybe, like truckin and how to write a comic book, he he
So i hope i found a site thats worth stickin around for..



Well-Known Member
the answer to your question is..... no doctor anywhere has the authority to write a script for weed. they write a reccomendation. so all the doctor does is reccomend that medical marijuana would benefit you. after you get the reccomendation and your green card, than you will be able to obtain medical marijuana from a despensary. at the despensary you should also be able to get clones.

i am currently trying to get my green card too!(for severe back problems) although i am thinking i may not be able to get it because i am only 20. lol. so anyways yeah plant outside well after the last frost. possibly in march or april.
if you have nextdoor neighbors go with a mostly indica plant. they are shorter. if you have a lot of land than grow whatever you want lol.

i always started my plants inside for a while depending on the size of the clone, or if i was starting from seed. growing outdoors is a lot easier when the plant is a little stronger and ready for weather or animals.

if you decide to start your plant inside, i would suggest using daylight CFL's if you want to save some cash. they will work just fine to veg a small clone for a while. keep them a couple inches off the plant, but dont let them touch.. remember to have a small fan blowing on the plant at all times. (this helps strengthen the stalk and prepare it for the great outdoors)

as for your question about how to take care of a plant. take a look through what other people have used on this site. you have to fertilize, but not too early, because if you over fertilize the plant than you will kill it. in the veg stage you want to use a fertilizer that is higher in nitrogen. when in flower you want something that has more phosphorus and potassium. fox farms nutes are good and easy to use.
i am not sure if you are growing outdoors in soil or if you are setting up a hydro grow.. but either way there is a ton of info on this site about both!!

if you do get your medical permit than check in with your local dispensary, not only for clones and buds, but most dispensaries offer classes on growing marijuana.. and if they do not, than try joining a co-op grow with other medical cannabis patients. i promise that if you join a decent co-op than you will learn everything you need to know.

remember growing cannabis isn't very hard at all. but growing great cannabis is no walk in the park. it requires a lot of attention and care.

so i hope that helps! and good luck!!

-colin :peace: