Arrythmia, Isoptin and Cannabis oil 77 year old with lung cancer.


New Member
Hello Everyone,

I was wondering if anybody has any feedback on this.

I am about to give my Mother in law Cannabis oil made with 99% ISO. Copying the RSO method. She was diagnosed with stage 4 lung cancer (not-the-small-cell carcinoma) They cannot operate because one of the tumors is wrapped around the aorta. She also has Arrythmia and is taking 1 tablet a day of a drug called Isoptin ( verrapamil Hydroxide) She does not want Chemo or Radiation. She is 77 yrs of age. I want to start treatment with 1/2 grain size dose of oil TWICE A DAY and 1 small toke from a vaporizer also TWiCE A DAY .( according to the RSO webpage).

What are the concerns here?

Do i make her stop the Isoptin because it lowers blood pressure as does the oil?

Any help would be greatly appreciated.

God Bless.



Well-Known Member
Honestly no one here is going to be able to give you the proper answer. While there is a slim chance she could die from some complication, it would still be irresponsible for her to start taking anything without talking to a doctor. I dont know if you live in a med state or not but if you dont then have her bring in some information on the oil and vaporization to her doctor and be honest with them, Have her tell them she is using this as another form of treatment to make the pain and suffering less. Also you shouldn't go with her to the doctor as i assume you are in your twenties-thirties and most seasoned doctors are going to think you are just some stoner trying to get grandma to get you some weed.

Please see a doctor first and dont listen to what people say on the internet.


Active Member
Yes ^

There are a lot of people who Im sure would like to offer an authoritative sounding answer in order to boost their own cred (thankfully not on this forum), but the truth is her doctor is the only one who knows enough about her blood levels and conditions to know if an interaction will occur. If your doctor can confirm there are no interactions, then you can start the alternative treatment, provided you have her tested frequently to ensure there are in fact no interactions. Oral administration isnt very effective in that it doesnt target the site of the problem but rather the whole body, so honestly the more the better. Older folks with little or no recreational drug use will find the huge amounts of oil required to be very uncomfortable and frightening, but you can limit the psychoactivity by making extracts from strains that are low in THC and high in CBD, like indicas. These strains are just as effective at treating cacinomas and gliomas (according to the limited data from the aca and cca), but contain less of the psychosis inducing THC that is so unpleasant in such high doses. If she can stand the effects of vaporizing, it would likely be more effective to vape her dose as this would coat the site of the cancer with the hash oil, and all current studies that have been published concerning cannabis' anti-carcinogenic effects were all based on tests involving directly smearing carcinomas and gliomas with hash oil or its purified constuents. While oral administration in the MMJ community has had several success stories, the survival rate is not nearly as high as the remission rate is in the studies performed with direct application of oil to the carcinomas/gliomas.

Even if you arent in a MMJ state, unless its somewhere heinous like TX or NY where the doctors have to report all crimes, ask your doc. Dont be afraid, there are few doctors who received their degrees after the 80s who dont realize the benefits of mj for a cancer patient. If your doctor gives you crap about it, it means he hasnt had any training in at least 30 years and you need a new doctor, because a lot has changed in the world of medicine since then. But I've never heard of a doc not going along with mmj for oncology, even in hostile states. Above all, believe the doctors, the fine folks at the american and canadian cancer associations, and of course your oncology team, and keep in mind that random folks on the internet (no matter how well intentioned) are generally not to be believed, including me, so go talk to your doc, right now!


Staff member
just like everyone said contacting a doctor is wise, along with mj treatment you need to better your body as a whole, its not 1 miracle drug that can fix everything its a collective of treatements that work together to create something that helps the body system as a whole , by this i mean proper diet, as well can go along long way , try juicing vegetables and juice, cut out red meats or limit them, introduce hemp hearts, quinoa, blueberries , and `superfoods` , removed all processed foods, alcohol and tabaco ( if she smokes) , and try to vitalize the body as a whole system working together to be become a fighting machine.
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