artificial moonlight?

so i was walking the other night around 12 pm or so and the thought hit me after i got done smoking and looking up at the moon why doesnt anybody simulate moonlight? and i know total darkness when lights are out but outdoors plants do not experiance this becaus when the moon is out and full blast it puts off enough light to see at night so i was just wondering if anybody has ever tried this
For what reason? Sounds like a waste of time and energy to me. Kinda like this thread
Smoke a bowl and chill out im saying the moon is part of natures light cycle as well. it makes the nights slowly go from pitch black to being bright enough you are able to see during different times of the year so it would be like simulating nature


Well-Known Member
light intensity that we get reflected off the moon is an order of 100-1000 times too little to support photosynthesis in most terrestrial pot plants and plants we have in our garden.
That's why there's no need to simulate moon light indoors.