As Geto As You Can Get Inside, Outside, Sog List CFl, Metal Halide, HPS Ligh's


. I have all types of lights and done a few grows. Have built a out door grow box 4'X4' x 8" wide . Building a indoor box the same sides . Want to bud as much out side as I can so will work the box's back and forth.
I am in Calif . I like to work too, 4 plants LIST a week in a 1 foot x 10" area I like to get 4 oz a week .
So to start with will get 4 clones every 2 weeks and do a sea of green to start .I hope to have them finish before the days are to long.Then use the in door box back and forth.
What will make this work is the Fiberglass grow box's I use they have 1" foam insulation in them and a heat tube for the winter
If you can help good are bad please post


Well-Known Member
I'd be worried that moving them in and out, you'll have pests FOR SURE. And if your getting 4 new clones every 2 weeks, you'd most likely be infecting the new ones everytime you bring them in. Either grow indoors then MOVE outdoors, or just go with 1 of them. Indoor or outdoor, I wouldn't do both.
And why BUY 4 clones every 2 weeks, why not take a month and grow a mother, then clone the shit out of her and have all you need? You can even take 4 clones every 2 weeks if you please, that way you would setup to be harvesting every 2 weeks.
But honestly, unless your ready to dedicate your life to this craft...I wouldn't try to do so much.

Let's do a little math shall we?

Week 0
If you START with 4 clones. You put them in veg
Total: 4

Week 2
2 weeks later, you get 4 more, put them in veg
Total: 8 plants all in veg

Week 4
It's now been 4 weeks, if you veg for this fairly standard amount of time, you could begin flowering. Assuming your going for minimum amount of time from start to finish, you more 4 into flower.
Total: 8 Veg, 4 Flower
Total: 12

Week 6
4 more clones, into veg, 4 more into flower.
Total: 8 Veg, 8 Flower
Total: 16

Week 8
4 more veg, 4 more flower
Total: 8 Veg, 12 Flower
Total: 20

Week 10
4 and 4 again
Total: 8 veg, 16 flower

Week 12
4 and 4
Total 8 Veg 20 in flower. (but you'd SOON be harvesting your first 4.)

Bottom line is, if you've ever manicured a lot of bud at one time, you'll know what a strain it is, and what a pain in the ass it is to do so much at once. You'll be harvesting EVERY 2 weeks after your 3rd month and would be quite a strain, especially if you have anything in your life besides clipping weed that you enjoy doing. :-P

It's a basic outline, but you'd have 24 plants or so at all times. Unless your a dealer with a lot of people to sell to, or your running a medical shop...I can't imagine what you would do with all that weed. ;-)

I may have misunderstood your original post a little, but the bottom line is, it all depends on what your looking to accomplish with your grow. Whatever that happens to be, good luck to you.


Thank you dajsh for the incite ! It was to be 4 Oz a month but you can never have to much for new Friends. I run my mothers out side year round with side lighting . Just here it get to hot and to many hours to bud in the summer.So will do in side for a few grows . then when it cold will bud out side the trays I use are made out of fiberglass and have 1 " foam ins and a tube that you can run warm are cold water through to keep the root's safe.